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About Me

Name: Gerard Yee, age 16, background mixed, Chinese Trinidadian, born in San Fernando 11.25.89. The credentials, R.H King Academy, a school known for Math and Science, but hosts an excellent Performing Art Program which Gerard has actively involved in for the last 3 years and will be entering his 4th come September. He’s managed 80+ in his dramatic arts courses for the last two years.The History, it all started with a tech role in the school production, “bye bye Birdie” where Gerard discovered his passion for theatre, but it wasn’t until the next School production where he got his opportunity to shine. In “Shakespeare Shorts”, a compressed parody of some of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, Gee (as he known to his friends) won the coveted roles of Macbeth and Hamlet. Although he had good performances in both plays, the role of Hamlet proved to be the more memorable of the two. Gerard is best remembered for his stage combat skills as Hamlet. The goals, post-secondary studying theatre specializing in Stage Combat, and film ,then become part of the scene. At the moment the main goal is to deliver an unforgettable performance as Richard in the “Herald”.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Geogre Noory, And Art Bell From Coast to coast Am radio. Why, easy its because they have a very interesting show.

My Blog

The Begin

The Begin ok not really, i've been writing on bebo, hi5, and msnspace, i'm now ready to go to  the overly hyped myspace. So those that know me, i'm gerard aka Firesoul the wise. So for the n...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 21:25:00 GMT