I am getting a scholarship to Miami because of my superb mascoting. I love the canes more than I love my scharm with the ladies. I am known at my school for being a ladies man. Just like BIG WILLY, thats right I've been compared to Will Smith in my studly looks. My goal in life is to suck Kellen Winslows penis. SO big and SO black. YUMMY!! Stephan Cambell is my bestest friend. He says he hates me and wants me to go away but I know he's just kidding. Actually everyone says that. I've gotta go watch some more Miami videos.10 Keys to getting the chicks like me.1. Always act like a retard, easiest way. I got that one down.
2. Always bring up the canes in a conversation, without this your dead in the water.
3. If at all possible get the shit beat out of you by your friends. I don't even have to ask anymore.
4. Slobber on the chin, always gets the win.
5. Know your stats.
6. Piss your pants, always used to do this one.
7. Never complete a full sentence, you must drift off halfway through the sentence. Usually end it with Miami, or whoever canes player your thinking of.
8. TEXT, avoid all real life conversations, AIM is another good tool.
9. Wear shirts like "Life is Good"
10. Watch and Learn!!!!!This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Kellen Winslow, Will SMTITH, any black man willing give it to me in the behindEVERY HURRICANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!