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Kendal Ann

I am here for Friends

About Me

What can i say....I'm the biggest dork you will ever meet. I can be loud..or very quiet but either way you should watch out...;) I might surprise you. I hate to write about myself like i'm something so fucking special so....just get to know me...i'm chill...not boastful...and i don't bite...unless you ask me to.

Myspace Layouts at / Vintage dots

My Interests

I love movies, music and friends...I'm so random...who can even say what i like cause i change from day to day.. but i'm not fake...

I'd like to meet:

Random people who can give me something random!!! People who inspire me to be a better person, and someone who teaches me all they know
My Space Tracker at

Boyfriend/Girlfriend Survey
Take This Survey at

What is their name? Alex
What pet name do you like to call them? Mushu
How long have you been together? almost four years
How did you meet? the video store...totaly romeo and juliet style because we weren't aloud to see eachother...
What do you like the most about them? He has a big heart, he is compassionate and unique and very loving
What do you like the least about them? i used to hate how he would lie..he doesn't do that anymore..but i have accepted his flaws
What is the best thing they have ever done for you? The best thing he ever did for me was stay here in AZ even though his family is in VA
Have they met your parents yet? Oh yeah, he is good with the parents, they love him
What would you kids look like if you had kids? Oh god...big lips, dark curly brown hair, short...and dark skin
What is the worst argument you have had? A few years back we found out the horrible things we had been doing behind each others backs...we fought all night
Do you still kiss a lot? Yeah...
Who asked who out? No one asked anyone was really weird...we just liked eachother before even knowing eachothers names....
Do you think you will get married? of course...but not yet
Can you see yourself growing old with them? of course, i am gonna be Mrs. Crooks soon
What is the one thing you would like to change about them? Absolutlely nothing..i love him for who he is
What do you think they would like to change about you? I don't think he would change anything either...
What is the first gift they ever bought you? he actually painted me something that i still's really cool
Do you have a favorite song together? Yeah...Wicked Game by Chris Issac
Which famous person do you think they look like the most? ...probably Mark Ruffalo...his dad really looked like him when he was young
Would you say the two of you are a good match? heck yeah...he's my other half
Take This Survey at


Nirvana, Sublime, Atmosphere, Bright Eyes, Radiohead, The Used, Smashing Pumpkins, The Eagles, Steve Miller, No Doubt, The Beatles (newer stuff), Mazzy Star, Offspring, Pink Floyd, Led Zeplin, Marilyn Manson, Portis Head, M.I.A., hole, bush, authority zero, , The Distillers, Murder by Death, Joseph Arthur...the list goes on and on.


Lords of Dogtown, old school, bruce almighty, super troopers, animal house, fast times at ridgemont high, rules of attraction, the notebook, butterfly effect, blow, what's eating gilbert grape, slc punk, fight club, miracle run, thirteen, pulp fiction, kill bill 1&2, radio, faculty, wet hot american summer, wasted, the virgin suicides, harold and kumar go to white castle, with out a paddle, bad boys, the amytiville horror...and on and on

Into the Wild - Apple Scene

Jay Adams & Kathy Alva


I am currently addicted to Big Love and anything like crime shows...but six feet under was my show man..i miss it!!


I haven't read in a while but i wish i could...but my fave is still More now and again


Alex, my mom

My Blog

apple of my eye!!!

So i watched a really inspiring that Alex really related to considering recent circumstances and Utah. It's called Into the Wild, and it made me want to do what he off the land ...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:37:00 PST

speed racer life is different....different good....i can't wait to move...twice....but jes will be an awesome roommate:). And our new place is gonna be awesome, with our flat screen tv, two hundred dollar...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST


yeah, so i can’t believe that three and half weeks has gone by so fast and tomorrow night i will be with my two fave people eating sushi, and swapping stories.except me and jessa’s side is...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST

gonna try to live by these words!!!

Yeah! Yeah!Every single day when I get out of bedWell the chances are I’m gonna wind up deadWell, don’t you know that it’ll be alright?Well what I don’t know about is bottoming...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 04:51:00 PST


Today is a weird day for me. For this whole month i have not felt this, but today i do. Today i feel lost. Today i feel like someone threw me into a dark lake in a different country and i have a weigh...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 09:08:00 PST


So today is girl day. Me and Jes are gonna paint our nails, do facial masks, take pictures..and eat fruit. And all when we just had a long conversation about how we get along better with guys and are ...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:01:00 PST

last time i was with someone so dangerous was the last time i felt so safe

  1. Alright, so have you ever actually sat down and thought about why you like the person you like?Yes, mostly because I had decide what I would do about my life and our future&.and I re...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:34:00 PST

Breathe Me

Well just got back on sunday from Alex's sister's wedding which was so much fun!! We got to dance and see everybody and Alex got down on the dance floor which was awesome. I guess i never realized wha...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:33:00 PST

Today is a New!!!

1. If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?Right now they would find this guy sleeping there with drool on the side of his face2. Last person you drove with?Erin and Alex3.What did you do...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:53:00 PST

Word Vomitt

Word Vomitt is what i feel right so much talking and so much spilling out of me and him and it just doesn't seem to stop. Who knew that in three days...each day so different from the previ...
Posted by Kendal Ann on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:41:00 PST