what I am intrested in or look for in a female as a pottential g/f would be as follows...ya follow? I like a gal that I can pal around with and take on my little adventures but who can also crawl under the sheets and be my woman, I have to be able to connect with you on a deeper more intimate level and not just the physical, lusty, pleasures of the flesh, as much as I enjoy the pleasures of the flesh I want to be able to get into your mind, heart, and soul, not just your pants, but don’t put it past me. I want to be friends and lovers and to combined the best of both worlds. So ladies in order to capture my wild and free spirited heart you have to be intellectual, beautiful in more then just the physical, fun, outgoing, up to trying new things, confident in yourself, be able to speak your mind but also speak from your heart, I love a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it, a girl who can be my sweet and innocent Angel but who can also be my demon and bring out her darkside to play yet still keep her inner fires burning, I love girls with long hair and who can smile and laugh rather then hiding her beauty behind a frown, I love being able to talk to a girl about anything and everything after all communication is the key, I respect and admire a girl with standards and morals, hmm I’m not like most guys when it comes to a girls body I tend to look at a girls neck, hair, eyes, and just the little in-significant feminine features that drive me crazy and yes I also love a nice rack and a cute little ass in a pair of tight low cute jeans, hell I’m a guy come on. geez I could go on forever with what I love about women and screw this whole "ideal match" because there is and never will be an ideal match for a guy like me, but there is instead the woman of my dreams the girl that I will give my heart and soul to and forever love...until forever is just a memory in eternity and eternity has dissapeared into infinity...I cant say who or what she will be but only that when I find her my life will be complete and she will be my life until the good lord says otherwise, so ladies if you think you might be able to feel this void and be my girl then lets see what the stars have to say and give us a shot and if we fail "love lost is love learned" and we both will have learned a priceless lesson to help us with our future loves and at least we can be great friends. Love yours truly "just another lonely cowboy"
I would love to meet an Angel...kim your my Angel...love you babygirl.Other than meeting My Guardian Angel I'd also like to meet myself...the me that I had to lose in order to find who I am now...and when I meet that part of myself I'd sure as hell beat my own ass...after all we are our own worst enemies...and that me...my "Casper" or "evil twin brother"...put me through hell...but he also taught me alot about myself... he showed me my strengths and allowed me to overcome my weakness...and he has always been there for me even when he was working against me...he had my back...dont try to wage a war against yourself...you cant win that battle...not when your enemy knows your every thought and your every move? But instead...listen to your heart for it will never lie to you, find your truth, find yourself, and love yourself...If I was to meet myself face to face and were given the chance to do as I mentioned earlier...after I had kicked my own ass I'd shake my hand and give myself a hug...no matter where I go or what I do...those parts of myself that I have lost or overcome still remain with me...wether they hide within the darkness of my shadow or linger in the depths of my heart and soul...they are there and will never go away...so I will not forget them...for they are apart of me and who I am...and always will be...now my question to you is...have you met yourself lately? Or are you running from your shadow...ignoring the truest of love that is in your very own heart... and denying the truth of yourself that resides within your soul...are you being true to you? have you found yourself and do you love yourself...If not I suggest that you start doing so now. Thank you...me
Mainly Country, rap, hip hop, classic rock smooth jazz and soft rock...but I also enjoy Native music, Celtic, Instremental, I appreciate most music...anything that speaks to me
I love anything with action/drama...westerns and comedys of course... and I am a bit of a hopeless romantic so yes I even appreciate a good chick flick my all time favorite movies would be... Ledgends of the Fall... 8 seconds...Man from snowy River...return from snowy River...A river runs through it...dirty Dancing...fight club...well shit any and all of Brad Pitts Johnny Depps and Julia Roberts movies...Wild hearts cant be broken...dances with wolves and many more that I cant rember atm
I don't really watch T.V. I feel that it is a mindless waste of time... but on occaision I will watch a show here or there if I find it interesting
I defiantely enjoy a good book...books are a big part in what kept me sane while I was in jail...they became my best friends and I've found alot of them to hang out with... they allowed me to escape my 6x12 cell and enter into a world all my own...and have also taught me so many valuable lessons that I could not have found elsewhere...I will read nearly anything that intrests me...but mostly I look for a book with a lesson something educational more than one with a killer story line...and recently I have only been intrested in spiritual...and scriptural books...anything else just seems to be a waste of my time
My grandpa is by far my biggest hero and noone in this world can match that!