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About Me

??gUeSS wUt?! U juSt beeN haCkeD! By uR 1 & OnLy mosT favorite Tia! SiSSa hahaZ.. ;) A LiL FYI bouT: ((Gary)) This Boi riTE here Iz the mOst loVing, fUnniEst, inteLLigent, charMinG,caRinG, and might I add mOst GoRgeOUs fellA U'll ever meeT...and not just saying that cUz his maH He Is a happY father Of the most adorabLe baby eVeR *D'WaYne* (my future GodSon)heheZ..and soRRy laDies Is TAKEN! lol by his BeauTifuL wifeY jeNNie<3 He just gradUated from high schOoL claSS of 09 and i knO he WiLl be suCCesfUL in all he doEs..hE's LivIng life and as happy as can Be! weLL dat Bout sUms it Up..LUV yaH gUREE! and I'll aLwaYs be here f0R you gUyz...../I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

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