In music-
Hayley Williams, cause she is going to be my future wife lol, Billie Joe Armstrong so I can compare my height with him because Serena doesn't believe he is small. The lead Sing of Three Days Grace, Adam Gontier because he made it through rehab and like writes amazing songs which are inspirational.
In Films -
Matt Damon, cause he stared in Team America, and its a bit of an inside joke between me and some friends...
Art -
Huguenot Miamoto he is creator of Mario and all my most loved gaming character, like Link from Zelda, And Marth from Fire Emblem and many many more... And Adam Phillips just cause he is sheer amazing at art.
Authors -
I would like to meet Phillip Pullman so I can ask him about His Dark Materials.
Miscellaneous -
The creator of Rolos so I can ask them why they took Rolo Cookies off the shelf, Asha Hoque well cause just cause really lol.
More to be added at a later date...