playing and listening, and enjoing music. watching movies. working out, yes, i love to work out. traveling. i always wanna go somewhere... love to try something new, something exciting. love to meet people with different backgrounds. love to learn diffrent cultures.
my current friends, old friends, and future friends.
difficult question... i love all kinds of music. NO MUSIC, NO LIFE!
difficult question.... i love movies, especially independnt movies, or something not major movies. BUT i like Hollywood type movie too.
ER! yes, ER! i have been watching this show since the first season. NIP/TUCK. i know it sounds stupid... but i love this show. RESCUE ME. i think they are crazy, but we all are crazy in some ways, right? the WIRES. as "kind of baltimorian," i need to watch this show... SEX and the CITY. yeah yeah yeah i heard you. i know its chick's show, but its funny....
i havent read any books recently in english except textbooks.... i read a lot of books in my language.
my grandma, my parents, and my friends.