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When he who walks in the dark whistles, he feels better but doesn't see better...

About Me

don't know.... but yeah, i think he acts like me...Create or get your
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My Interests

playing and listening, and enjoing music. watching movies. working out, yes, i love to work out. traveling. i always wanna go somewhere... love to try something new, something exciting. love to meet people with different backgrounds. love to learn diffrent cultures.

I'd like to meet:

my current friends, old friends, and future friends.


difficult question... i love all kinds of music. NO MUSIC, NO LIFE!


difficult question.... i love movies, especially independnt movies, or something not major movies. BUT i like Hollywood type movie too.


ER! yes, ER! i have been watching this show since the first season. NIP/TUCK. i know it sounds stupid... but i love this show. RESCUE ME. i think they are crazy, but we all are crazy in some ways, right? the WIRES. as "kind of baltimorian," i need to watch this show... SEX and the CITY. yeah yeah yeah i heard you. i know its chick's show, but its funny....

The muppets - manamana

U ziet een filmpje van de Muppets


i havent read any books recently in english except textbooks.... i read a lot of books in my language.


my grandma, my parents, and my friends.