P.J. wakeboarder profile picture

P.J. wakeboarder

WAke bording -to Wrestling--hell ya

About Me

i have blonde hair and blue eyes so ya i think the ladies like it. I live on bear lake the best lake in the damn world where every weekend is a new one. I have friends that love me i have the best family in the world and.when i am at home i have nothing to do in the winter but when its summer u would be lucky to get a hold of me bc i am always haveing fun.
Which UFC Fighter are you ?

Chuck Liddell
You are Chuck Liddell.. You are mean and nasty your a true fighter who brings it to the table and you take the fight to them. You are a champion.
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My Interests

wake boarding wrestling skate boarding surfing and hanging with my friends and family
What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be? (pics)

You are strong, but a little on the shy side, you are talented. But a word of advice, don't go changing in telephone boths, you can get arrested!
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I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet shaun white and darin shapiro,

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music is my life silverstein Halifax Underoath Blink 182 Kill Hannah Three Days Grace Blue October korn from first to last senses fail plus 44


adam sandler movies are all goodLayout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts


what evers on fuse


no books, bad


darin shapiro and my dad and any one from silverstein and my cuzzz Ryan

My Blog


i am tierd of what people call love i am threw, i try so hard to be noticed, i change everything even my apperince. only thing left is my dignaty which is crushed by ur pride, what people say or do sh...
Posted by P.J. wakeboarder on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 04:38:00 PST


Im tired of always putting on a showto hide the pain insideto pretend nothing bothers mewhen deep inside its at its boilingIm sick of not having a true friendSomeone who understandsSick of everything ...
Posted by P.J. wakeboarder on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 02:46:00 PST

depressed, hate , life< confused

 ALONE by my self All alone, with noone to call my own I travel through the world with noone at my side Nobody is there for me to lean on Nobody is there to comfort me in my time of need Yes,...
Posted by P.J. wakeboarder on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 02:35:00 PST