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catherine catastrophe™

I am here for Friends

About Me

I’m seventeen and I can’t wait until November 11 because then I will be eighteen and living with my bessssfraannn. I have about a year to get my life in order and come to realize what I truly want. I’m tired of all the childish bullshit and I wish people would just grow up. I hate people telling me what to do, chances are if you try ill ignore you and do the exact opposite of what I’m being told. I absolutely hate school and can’t wait until I’m done. I don’t really know what I’m going to do after I graduate. College? Military? I just don’t know. I’ve changed a lot over the past couple of years and I believe it’s all for the better. I know there’s still a lot of changing to come, because I’m still not content with the person I am. I like to be different and stand out in a crowd and I really could care less what people think of me. I hate when people try and judge me especially when they know absolutely nothing about me. I’m quick to beat a bitch down, I may be little but I’m tuff as shit. I was basically raised by my older brother and his friends, so mess with me and ill beat you up. I absolutely hate drama and people that start it, so if that’s what you're all about don’t even bother wasting my time. I’m so ready to leave this place, and get away from everything. I love my life but I would give it all up to start over. I’ve made many mistakes but some of them were for the better and have helped to make me who I am today. Don’t be fooled by my tough guy act, I’m really a softy on the inside. Because of this people tend to take advantage of me. I’ve been hurt way too many times to count. I’m the girl that usually falls for the wrong guy but doesn’t realize it until things go horribly wrong. I can’t help it, I like who I like.
I’ve found the boy that sets my heart on fire and that has opened my eyes to a whole new world. He treats me with respect and loves me for who I really am. To me he’s perfect and I wouldn’t change anything about him. They always say third times a charm. JustinMichaelSchmink x3
I’m into art, and I’m in an art academy. I don’t like opening up to people, I fear that in doing so ill get hurt again. So if I talk to you about stuff that’s going on in my life and I tell you how I feel, that means I really trust you. Don’t throw my trust away because it’s really hard to earn back. I’m actually a really nice person if you give me the chance. I have some of the greatest friends but There are 5 kids in particular that have completely stolen my heart, they’re not just my friends, they’re my family. They are my life and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Chances are you could never replace them so don’t even bother trying. I’m really short but I wouldn’t have it any other way. When I look in the mirror I’m not happy, I’m very self conscious and I hate it when people say stuff about the things I dislike about myself the most. I’m a night owl and I love staying up late. I like to think a lot. I enjoy in depth conversations, and anyone I can hold one with will have a piece of my heart. I’m a great listener and am willing to talk to anybody so don’t be afraid to say hi.
aim ; cattxastrophic

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i've already met everyone that matters.



mess with the best
die like the rest

we're not just friends
we're family ♥


nothing lasts forever
so live it up
drink it down
laugh it off
avoid the bullshit
take chances
and never have regrets
because at one point
everything you did was
exactly what you wanted


virginia travis: you've been there for me no matter what. we've gotten so close this past year and i couldn't be happier. some people go through there best friend phases, but what we have is real. bestfriend twin sisters. no matter how hard you push, ill never budge. x3
justin schmink: you have stolen my heart and i don't mind. i am seriously head over heels inlove with you and nothing or no one will come between us this time. i love you x infiniti plus forever. x3
david lloyd: me and you have only known eachother for a short amount of time but i already feel like i can tell you anything and everything. i love our indepth conversations and the promises we make to one another. x3
zack braithwaite: you are one of the greatest people that i have had the privaledge of meeting. i can honestly say that i consider you family. i love you x3
chanse flores: me and you are local celebrities and soon to be new bestfriends, that is if you would hurry up and move to your dads house. im just playin, i love you nigga. x3
micah morgan: you're the ken to my barbie, the cheese to my mouse, the giant to my midget, the cluck to my chicken, the townhouse to my ritz. x3

My Blog

be my valentine?

Area 1:Name:Age:Phone:Height:Do you Drive:State You Live In:School:Grade:May I Call You:Single or Taken:Would You Date Me:Kiss On First Date:Will You Send This Back To Me?:Area 2:What would you do if ...
Posted by catherine catastrophe™ on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:11:00 PST

gangstuhhh like what

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF-I committed suicide:I kissed you:I was killed:I smacked you:I cut myself:I ran away:I became addicted to drugs:I moved away:I asked you out:I said I love you:WOULD YOU -Kiss me:Sa...
Posted by catherine catastrophe™ on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:31:00 PST

ello boyssss

  Basic informationName: Age: Location:Height:Hair (color and style):Eyes:Piercings/tattoos: Other1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists?3. Do you drink/smo...
Posted by catherine catastrophe™ on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 01:50:00 PST