Hi My Name Is Barry.
I Am A Pure Gemini With The Split Personality Which I Can Control For The Most Part Which I Am Happy With Because it Keeps Life Interesting, I'm A Jersey Shore Baby ( I Will Move Back There 1 Day) I'm A Smart Ass, I've Been Told I'm Funny, I'm On A Local Dart Team, I Love Poetry (Both Reading It And Writing It) Movies (Both At Home Or Out), Billiards, The Beach ,I've Got A Great Memory, The Only Thing I Can't Remember Are Names And Numbers, Unless I've Talked To You At Least 5 Times (Most Of The Time) But I Can Remember Faces And Conversations For Years On End
Name: Barry R. P.
Birthday: June 14th, 1982 - Flag Day
Birthplace: Clara Maas Hopsital
Current Location: Kearny,NJ
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 6'2
Right Handed or Left Handed: righty
Your Heritage: 50% Polish 25% Irish About 15% Slovac And About 10%German
The Shoes You Wore Today: My Black Adidas' And My Work Boots
Your Weakness: Girls W/ Cute Faces, Great Personalities, Nice Asses, Etc
Your Fears: Never Finding True Love, My Sis Dying Before Me, Etc
Your Perfect Pizza: Mushroom Or Stuffed Crust
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Find/Get A Girlfriend
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Etc, lol, ...
Thoughts First Waking Up: I Need More Sleep
Your Best Physical Feature: My Upper Body, I Guess
Your Bedtime: Anytime I Get Tired, Usually Winds Up Being After 2am
Your Most Missed Memory: All Of My Memories With PJ
Pepsi or Coke: No Difference
MacDonalds or Burger King: Taco Bell
Single or Group Dates: Doesn't Really Matter, But I Do Prefer Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Gatorade
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: French Vanilla Coffee
Do you Smoke: Cigs = Yup, But Cutting Back
Do you Swear: Fuck Yeah
Do you Sing: Not Too Well, But Yup
Do you Shower Daily: Yup, Sometimes Twice
Have you Been in Love: I Dunno, I Think I Was Once, But I Dunno
Do you want to go to College: Been There, Done That, May Return 1 Day Who Knows
Do you want to get Married: Definitely
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: Nope
Do you think you are Attractive: Kinda
Are you a Health Freak: Def Not, But I Do Eat Healthy Usually
Do you get along with your Parents: Most Of The Time
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yup Great Light Shows
Do you play an Instrument: Not Yet, Wanna Learn The Keyboards Tho
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yup
In the past month have you Smoked: Yup
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Never
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yup A Few Times
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Not A Whole Box
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Never
In the past month have you been on Stage: I Think I Have
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nope
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been called a Tease: Yup A Few Times
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
How do you want to Die: Old
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Dunno
What country would you most like to Visit: Germany
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Glass Blue Or Brown
Favourite Hair Color: Dirty Blonde Or Brown
Short or Long Hair: Doesn't Matter As Long As She Doesn't Have Too Short Of Hair
Height: Shorter Than Me
Weight: Skinny To Medium Build
Best Clothing Style: Don't Care
Number of Drugs I have taken: None
Number of CDs I own: Over 1000
Number of Piercings: None
Number of Tattoos: 2 So Far 1 = 2 Jesterheads On My Upper Left Arm And, 2 = An Angel Overlooking A City At Nite On My Left Calf
Number of things in my Past I Regret: There Are A Few Things