Lucrecia profile picture


All I wanted was to hold him...just once...

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Sephiroth's biological mother.

About 30 years ago, I was a young female scientist who served as an assistant to Grimoire Valentine, Vincent Valentine's father, having been dispatched to him by Shin-Ra. My own unchecked ambitions into scientific study results in Grimoire's death, as he dies while saving me. Unable to face Vincent with the guilt I felt over his father's death, I severed ties with him.

I later became an assistant to Professor Hojo during the Jenova Project. Although Vincent, who was assigned to montior the project and guard the scientists, fell in love with me and attempted to court me, I still felt too guilty over the death of his father to return his affection. Instead, I entered a relationship with Hojo, who — along with Professor Gast — used both me and my unborn child as the subject of an experiment, attempting to achieve the Jenova Project's goal. Thereafter, I began receiving visions of the horrors my unborn son would commit, and in an untimely encounter, discovered Vincent shot by Hojo. After his body was placed into a large tube, I exposed him to a mysterious form of stagnated mako called "G Substance," causing the WEAPON known as "Chaos" to be absorbed into his body. Though his life was saved, he was left in a feral madness. I then used an ancient materia that can control Chaos to calm Vincent.

Disgusted with all that I had done and the changes Jenova's cells had wrought in my own body, I attempted to kill myself. However, I was unable to easily die because of the presence of Jenova's cells in my body, and, thus, I isolated myself in a cave located in a remote location. I was later discovered by Vincent, willingly encased in a large mako crystal.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sephiroth: "I Know Not Whether To Weep For What You've Become Or Be Glad That You're Still Here"

-Oringinal Quote