I am a survivor of many, many negative thoughts,ideas,conceptions and conclusions. People said that I would never,I could never, didn't know how to ever be anything other than what they saw. What they saw was a young lady, addicted to drugs and alcohol, I was also addicted to the lies I was told about myself. I was not raised that way, I grew up in church you might say, church was all I knew the first 18 years of my life, I knew church, but I didn't know God. Truthfully speaking, my life was so out of control, I was just a STEP away from being totally destitute. I needed something more than myself to bring me back to SANITY. I was in denial for years, saying things like, oh, Idon't have a problem, I can quit anytime, look at so and so they are worst than me- on and on it went until one day I was faced with my biggest nightmare; someone threatened to take my kids away from me permanately! Thats when I surrendered, I really did love my kids and when I went in to treatment, I went in for them, but when I came out I came out for ME!! I've been clean since 1998, it was not easy in the beginning but as I live and learn, I CAN DO ALL THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME!!