Martial Arts, Bowling, Movies, Karaoke, Jazz concer ts etc...Basically any place where there is good people and good food.test
I like meeting good people who are about having something out of life. I'm not on here looking for anything other than friends.....So if you are considered cool and honest,like to network then leave me a note
Take the quiz:
what kind of girlfriend are you? (girls only)
you are absolutely perfect. your boyfriend means the world to you, and your determined to keep him forever. your doing a great job, keep it up :)
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Jazz, Gospel, Old School Rap, British Pop, classical, latin jazz, and reggae
all of Bruce Lee's movies, The Matrix (1-3), Star Wars(1-6), Stealth, Godfather(1-3), Scareface, Count of Monte Christo, Man with the Iron Mask, Face Off, Shrek 2, Monsters Inc., Shark Tales,and there's not enough space to list them all...
Law and Order SVU and CI, Dave Chappelle Show, Martin, Good Times, Andy Griffith Show, Beverly Hillbillies, Bernie Mac, My Wife and Kids, Arthur, Clifford the big red dog, Seinfeld, all the court shows on FOX!
BIBLE!!! Naves bible, King James version, FIRST-TIME MANAGER BY BELKER AND TOPCHIK, The Vision by R. Holbeck
Jesus, my mother and grandmother