I like Dark Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dragons, animation, comic books, and graphic novels. And I have this mysterious attraction to fire. Whips. Knives and Swords!Definately, archery.
Legions of fans, of course.
My loving sister got me an iPOD for Christmas. And I finally figured out to use it. Well...you know. Mac devices don't work so well on PCs.I love Depeche Mode, Garbage, U2, and Madonna!
My current favorites are the Underworld series and the Matrix series. And I can't believe that Transformers, the movie, will be directed by Michael Bay! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!Don't believe me, Bay authorized Bumblebee to be a yellow corvette. I also like Jet Li. Go see "Fearless" since apparently, it's Jet's last Martial Arts epic.
I worship Transformers. It has changed my life. I also liked the Gargoyles series along with the Batman animated series. I was a fan of the X-files before the mainstream caught wind and ruined the damn series. I'm discovering "Dark Angel" on the SCIFI channel. Jessica Alba switched sides. Madonna and Marilyn Monroe are traders. Brunettes rule!
The Prodigal Troll
The Anita Blake Series
To Kill A Mockingbird
Animal Farm
Fahrenheit 451
A Kiss Of Shadows
Sex and The City
The Talented Mr. Ripley
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Ten Little Indians
The Murder At The Vicarage
Thirteen At Dinner
Interview With A Vampire
Queen Of The Damned
The Hound of the Baskervilles
A Rumor of War
Witching Hour
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sarah, Plain and Tall
The Harry Potter series, Year 1-4
Books Currently Reading
Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Harry Potter series, Year 5 by J.K. Rowling
Duchess by Susan Holloway Scott
Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Sun Tsu's Art of War
Dante's The Inferno
1984 by George Orwell
Suggested Reading for Writers
Characters and Viewpoints published by Writer's Digest Books
Plot and Structure published by Writer's Digest Books
Scene and Structure published by Writer's Digest Books
Description and Setting published by Writer's Digest Books
Conflict, Action, and Suspense published by Writer's Digest Books
Writer's Guide to Character Traits by Linda N. Edelstein, P.h.D
Suggested Reading for Novelists
The Complete Handbook for Novel Writing published by Writer's Digest books
Plotting and Writing Suspense by Patricia Highsmith
Suggested Reading for Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, and SciFi Writers
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Science Fiction
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vampires
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Celtic Wisdom
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism
How To Write Science Fiction and Fantasy by Orson Scott Card
The Writer's Guide to Fantasy Literature edited by Philip Martin
Giants, Monsters, and Dragons by Carol Rose
Spirits, Fairies, Leprechauns, and Goblins by Carol Rose
The Dragon Chronicles by Courage Books
Dr. Ernest Drake's Dragonology edited by Dugald A. Steer
Mythology: Myths, Legends, and Fantasies by Global Book Publishing
Russian Fairy Tales by Gillian Avery
Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway
One word: Catwoman!