-~*Kirsteey!!*~- profile picture


do anything you want in life, and dont let anything stop you! life is far too short!!!

About Me

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♥♥ok lets start about me,i have blonde hair and blue eyes, im no slag either! im a social outcast, i really dont like socialising im scared of girls, as all they do is bitch..i think theres a chance im a alcoholic cos i drink every weekend its not good for me but im addicted to fridays in the pub lol,if u are looking for me in the pub im probably in the girls toilets sorting a problem out,cos im good like that! i currently go to Goole college, im studying childcare! iv met some spot on people especially in my course!! i like music dunt everyone? my favour colours are pink and black because there the best colours ever in my veiw! i have 2 stars tattooed on my lower hip at one point i pierced my hand cos i was bored but i took it out cos it got infected!! i smoke, i drink,but i dont do drugs anymore cos im angel, well i must be in atleast one persons eyes!♥ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ most of u r ugly fuks. i hate alot of people. im fucking picky as hell. i lie alot. i no im nothin special.n neither r u. i like to make fun of people. u probably wont like me,and odds are, i wont like u either. so kill yourself.NOW ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ i love dossin round the eva so safe Goole :s giggin it, smokin it! pubbin it, lol!.
Number: 18
Colour: pink *hence my nickname*
Flower: rose
Animal: any but fish and dogs *shrugs*
TV Show: family guy
Band/Singer: many
Album: many
Movie: war films
Actor/Actress: him from jar head pwoarrrrrr
Sport: im fat
Season: summer :)
Make-Up Item: eye liner and my foundation id be lost with out them!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: mc d's
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Coffee or Tea: TEA cant beat a brew!
Day or Night: day
Love or Money: bit of both cant go a miss
Hug or Kiss: a huggle
In A Guy/Girl
Favourite Eye Colour: *thinks of greame* brown,with a bit of green, a splash of hazal,maybe blue....
Favourite Hair Colour: brown
Height: hes like 6ft 8 lol
Style: i dunno just not a scrubber/ tramp
Looks or Personality: very important yes
Hot or Cute: cutesy
Muscular or Skinny: um..muscular
Most Important Physical Feature: teeth
Biggest Turn-Off: sleeping with slags!
Best Physical Feature: my eyes
Bedtime: when i roll into bed i guess
First Thought Waking Up: fucking hell another hangover!
Ambition: become a nurse and save people
Best Friends: omg! ollie, becky gina kayla greame steve ashlee natalie and all my pub crew lol
Weakness: my family i love them far too much
Fears: having my heart broken, and greame joining army.
Worst Habit: biting my toe nails
Can You...
Dance: when im pissed
Sing: when im pissed
Drive: yeh...
Cook: oh yus lol
Sew: no nanas job im not trusted with a needle
Speak Another Language: yeah goole's l;anguage
Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue: no thats just wrong
Curl Your Tongue: yeah i can lick my own tongue too!
Whistle: im ace at that
Have You Ever...
Been Drunk: lol ya kidding me right? is the sky blue?
Been Stoned/High: um....
Flashed: haha i was DRUNK
Eaten Sushi: no
Eaten Squid: no
Been In Love: yeah to a wanker
Skipped School: oh yus
Stolen Something: no
Cried Yourself To Sleep: yeh
What annoys you most about a person: crunching omfg it winds me up!
Are you left or right handed: right
What is the colour of your room: yellow/blue but iv stolen my bros room and that blue and green and while...
Do you have any siblings: leeanne :( nicky :D and sean :D love u!!
Do you have any pets: a pussy cat
Are you for or against gay marriage: for why shouldnt the be happy?
What's your opinion on abortion: i dont like them, but its upto the people who have them
How would you like to die: i dont wanna dickhead
Would you take a bullet for the one you love: if i was drunk lol
Do you think you're attractive: oh aye! im gawjus pmsl!
Do you believe in yourself: to a extent
Do you want to get married: i dunno, sometimes
Do you want to have children: yeah but not yet
Who was the last person you hugged: probably ollie...
Who was the last person you kissed: greame
Who was the last person to hit you: luke
Who was the last person you wanted to hit: luke
What was the last thing you ate: mc d's haha
What was the last thing you drank: coke
What was the last thing you said: wheres 20?
What was the last book you read: p.s i love you
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com
------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------

My Interests

music texting boys girls music friends ummm goin out! DRINKING! smoking! but iv attempted to stop check my bad self
.. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://petswf.bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/swf/hedgehog" height="300" width="250" ..
adopt your own virtual pet! I adopted a cute lil' gothy fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

I'd like to meet:

hmmm IAN WATKINS from lostprophets oh avril lavigne shes hott! um amy-lee! :) the used ffaf um..... someone sexy so im leaving Goole lol
.. You scored as Emo
. Your Totaly Emo!









Rocker, Mosher




Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev

What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t
created with QuizFarm.com


ma fav bands r lostprophet i sin em live yeh babe it rocked :)and its all this dancing music since i starting hanging in the pub and at college lol AFI papa roach transplants blink finch ffaf pod greenday incubus used finch ffaf bfmv mcr yellow card killswitch engage atreyu story of the year! callin yeh i like dem :P i love lostprophets i attend to marry ian watkins :)den divorce him cos im english WOO yehi like all this dance malarki too since iv turned into this alcoholic that only goes out on a weekend!!!


Anything scary :D i love horror movies, all the gore and blood just turns me on it a weird kinda way, romances,cos i like a bit of a cry cos im a puff!way!!! :D


hmmm my wife n kids one on one corri when ders a decent headline i dnt normally watch tv cos i have n life n go out! i dont really watching tv now though iv decided to go out and find a life funny enough Is so me!


Im too cool and too buisy to read books!


my grandad i miss him like mad!!! my dad as he gives me lots of money :P my nana cos she is basically my mum i wouldnt be alive without her! my brothers cos there my best friends! and finally all my friends cos i no they are there for me!I LOVE YOU ALL!!! xxxx