Dana profile picture


I've found that sharing your troubles cuts the pain in half. And sharing your happiness makes the jo

About Me

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Myspace LayoutsHi! My names Dana and I'm a Jr at College misericordia, and I'm majoring in Physical Therapy. I love helping people and knowing that I can change thier lives for the better. I feel being a physical therapist will let me get a chance to do that. Besides school I work at Smokey Bones, waiting tables. Heres a list of things I love: My family, true friends, rockclimbing, dancing like nobodys watching, jumping in puddles, warm weather, dressing up, time spent with friends, traveling, diffrent cultures, unquie people, thinking outside of the box, helping animals, figure skating, swimming,good hair cuts, comfy clothes, stilettos, being able to be your own person, curling up with a good book, a glass of good wine, making my own money, not needing someone to define me as a person, waterfalls,horseback riding, camping on the island, campfires under the starts, art, museums, riding my bike, music, kids, the ocean, sand between my toes, food, people who dont whine, hot tea,and classic movies... I can keep going but then youd have nothing left to ask me.

My Interests

Figure skating, swimming, rock climbing, partying, and dancing


I love all types of music. But i really like any thing that i can dance to!


Shawshank redemtion,13 going on 30, the notebook, gone with the wind, Dirty Dancing. No scary movies.


Gray's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Lost, Real World, One Tree Hill..ganatomy.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" ..


Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, Forever, Where the Heart is


My mom