Please join our groups on Facebook:- Fuck the Radiocommunications Agency, Office of Communications ( THE D.T.I ) and Temptation Fm 102.4 (illegal pirate radio)
MSN:- [email protected]
Mission B - Well thats my name on the pirate radio scene.
I grew up listening to various pirate stations such as kool fm, pulse fm, rinse 91.8, kik fm, pressure fm, unity 88.4, but the one that stands out from them all was the one from the mannor CONFLICT FM 88.4.
I used to spend every spare minute i had making audio tapes with my long time friends Logan D (who is now a massive talent on the legendary Kool Fm 94.6, every other sunday from 7pm - 9pm GMT and founder of his own record label Low Down Deep Recordings - and Smove Mc. This is where the name Mission B originated from. All we ever talked about was going on to pirate radio and we all tried and worked very hard to make our individual dreams come true.
Smoove Mc went on from there and got a weekly show on Conflict Fm 88.4 and Logan D went in his own direction and landed a show on Londons Kool Fm. Myself...... Well the story is told below.........
I first got involved in pirate radio back in 1994 at the age of 14.This happened by pure chance, its a long story but all i can say is big up Smoove Mc....... This was in a grimey first floor flat in Barking, East London which was the home of Dark Fm 92.6 playing Jungle music night and day. From that day on i was hooked on the whole pirate radio thing.
This is where i met Eco and from here we went on for the next 5 years setting up various stations none of which really lasted anymore than 6 months at a time due to the lack of space on the Fm dial.
In March 2000 we started engineering for a friend of Eco's who had started a station by the name of Temptation Fm. We engineered for the station for a few months moving it from frequency to frequency trying to get the station settled on its own frequecy. Soon that frequency was to be 102.4.
Me and Eco then joint up with Jason J and Stella Dan to manage the station between the four of us and the station went from strength to strength, pumping out garage and jungle music 24/7 across the airwaves.
From 2001 - 2003 the station was at its peak with every slot on the station full and it seemed we could do no wrong. The phone line was off the hook and Temptation Fm had the manor on lock down.
We started our own promotions company - TOWER PROMOTIONS and we started to put on our own events at the local night club, Legends. Our night was called MOIST and we put four of these nights on and each one a success.
In 2004 things started to get hard with the d.t.i making Temptation Fm its number one priority and we was being taken off air at least 3 times a week. In one week we lost a rig everyday even on the sunday we lost a rig that week.
We then received our first studio raid from the d.t.i and things started to look grim for the future of Temptation Fm. Some how we pulled through and got the station back on air only to receive another studio raid soon after.
We then all went our separate ways and Temptation Fm stopped transmitting. But we all agreed that this could not be the end of Temptation Fm and in mid 2004 we put Temptation Fm back on the Fm dial, on the frequency of 101.5 and Me, Eco and Jason J teamed up with Johnny G and put Temptation Fm on the highest point in London and Essex the Red Light on top of Shooters Hill.
We changed the music policy and played strictly old skool garage, funky house and jungle. Temptation Fm was once again booming out across the London airwaves and reaching as far as Cambridge. Once again though the d.t.i was soon hot on our tail and was determined to take us off the air.
In mid 2006 Temptation Fm stopped transmitting and this is the last time Temptation Fm was heard on the airwaves.
This is a article taken from the Barking & Dagenham magazine :-
Pirate radio station is sunk
Citizen Magazine - April 2004
Two pirate radio operators have been scuppered by the High Court after the Council won an injunction to stop Temptation FM from broadcasting, writes Charlotte Read.
The two DJs and a number of unknown associates operated the radio station through Barking and Dagenham airwaves, causing a disturbance in the community that interfered with the radio and television reception for authorised stations.
The Council took legal action against Jason J (26), of Barnes House, Barking and MissionB B (26),of Dagenham to prevent further criminal acts of trespass, criminal damage and illegal radio broadcasts.
The pirate DJ's also caused criminal damage to Council owned property and they illegally installed broadcasting apparatus on the roofs of a number of tower blocks in the Borough.
The radio aerials have now been removed and all damage is being repaired by the Council.
Council Housing Officers have been working on the case with the Office of Communication (OFCOM), Metropolitan Police and the Council's security investigation officers
since 2000.
Tony Draper, Head of Housing Services said: "We are very pleased that the High Court has recognised the seriousness of the actions committed by the operators of the pirate radio station and has supported this by ordering injunctions to be served on the people concerned.
Barry Maxwell, OFCOM Head of Field Operations said: "Illegal broadcasting works against the best interests of the community. It can interfere with vital radio communications which will jeopardise public safety, and it can block legal radio services, which denies choice."
I have since then left my radio days behind me and moved onto pastures new........ climbing about on roofs and structures at all hours of the night and early morning are events of the past. I was no longer getting the buzz from the radio....... the scene has evolved and is no longer how it used to be back in the day, the fun element has been stolen from the radio and replaced with court cases, injunctions and heavy fines.
I would like to thank all of the listeners and the people that stood side by side with me in the battles against the autorities, some won and some lost lol.......