So ya, my name is M!ke if you couldnt tell. im living in the greatest city in the world, well maybe not but i luv it here. so as far as stuff i like to do... hmm i love snowboarding and skiing, that pretty much is my whole life in the winter. SNOW's B4 hoe's (lol that was corny) but for reals.If im not at the mountain or if its not winter then im training in MUAY THAI and JUJITSU at HARD KNOCKS. or im out skating or riding{BMX} with my friends.I pretty much like doing anything that i can get a rush out of. i pretty much try do to it all. I like going out but its nice to just chill and hang out. maybe watch sum cartoons. other things you might want to know:I cant spell worth SH*T and i dont eat veggies. A good meal would be anything with meat or potatoes.I have (5) pircings:ears are ZERO nips are 8gage and i have my neck done,no tATS(yet) anything else just ask, im real chill and not to much bothers me. except liers.
-tHe EnD... or is it! lol im such a dork.Myspace Graphics
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