+d name is mYra.. ♥ to moi!
+age-ing.. 13! fabbbb age~~
mUSiC! [aLL-hAiL tO tHomAs EdiSon.. InVenTEd thE hOLy rAdiO!], moVieS, spoNgeboB, eLetRonICs, cUte gUyz [ehE eHE], cLothEz, mE cruSh!
nEoNe wHo's wAnTing a nU FwEN :D.. i'M riTe hEre, sUGa! bUt mOsT preFEraBly bRAd piTT [eHe EhE]
raNDomLy.. uSher, aLicia Keys, nU fOUnd gLOry [juZ coUple oF soNGz], hOObAsTank, IncUbus [luRve 'Em], bLink 182, LimP biZkit, bRitNEy [sumTimEs], aShLEe SImpSon, mAroOn 5
LoTR [dU-Uh!], XXX, bOurNE SUpRemAcy, pRinCEss DiaRieZ, 13 gOIng On 30
♥miss match
aLL-AmerICan gURL, i'd RathEr Be fAmous, riPPEd aT Da SEams
aRAgoRn, leGolAs [kInDA], spiDerMan, WolVErine, BaTMan [kInda ToO oLd foR mE]