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I am here for Friends

About Me

"Elise Baines is one of the greatest people I know. If i ever wanted to have a threesome she would be the first person i called as she is undeniably sexy and has some pretty good moves to boot. After seeing what she's like with Kate and Monique, I can definately say that I would be happy if she was my older sister. She throws the best house parties and most of my best memories consist of dancing in her living room, swimming in her pool, grog runs and bacon in the morning. She's hands down the strongest and bravest girl I know but at the same time she's so easy going. I like it when she touches my legs".......NICOLE/STINGEY SLUT
"she takes the best worst photos ever!"........JUEY/WORST PHOTO OF ELISE TAKER
"elise "BAAAIINSEY" baines is quite short. despite this however she is also hilarious, a funky dancer, and just a hell of a lot of fun. she is quite easy going, silly but intelligent. she's got bang bang style and always has quality hair, even if it does smell like fish 'n' chips. great in the sack too. when i grow up i want to be elise baines.".....DIGGITY DONOVAN SNR./REDHEAD
"The best thing about Elise is... If she was out partying at some club (twister) and you were looking forward to one of her house partys all week, She'd probably let all her friends stay at hers while she was out getting wasted... Or did let us? I cant remember, I got really drunk that night. But an even better thing is, when she comes back at 3am, she keeps partying with you... And if you're lucky, you wake up with her on top of you... in her dad's bed. Ahh sweet memories."....J.BOMB/SEXUAL DANCING PARTNER
"you want to know a bit about yourself? your amazing! thats all you need to know."........LIZ STEP-HENS/ELISE'S BIGGEST FAN
"OHH noo elise saves my arse when im doin funky dances in the streets of surfers paradise and people get jealous and wanna beat me elise grabz my hand and hides me from evil people ha! funny times.i have itchy balls "....DEAN/ADOPTED SON
"Elise Claire Baines is a sick as motherfucking friend. She's always on the lookout for predators such as Lesbians and Pedophiles. She'll let you call her kiddo, and in return she'll put you in her phonebook under "Mum" It's truely an honor to know, fuck, and love her. She so short, and we're the exact opposites of each other. Lesbian-hair pal's fo life. Sick.Oh - and if you ever need a bed to have spontaneous sex in - she's got it covered."HAN/MUM

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ya mum and Diggity Donovan

My Blog

about me (i cbf)

okay so i really cbf writting about myself, every1 knows i would b good at it because, everybody knows i've pretty much mastered talking about myself.  ive decided im going to take a leaf from my...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:56:00 GMT

who the fuck is tom?

okay guys...we all know tom, or shall i say, he thinks he knows us...he thinks he can just waddle on into everybodies my space...u know he probs has a lil program at home that automatically reque...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 00:07:00 GMT