About Me
RAMEE ON GARY - First off, Gary is my soul mate! He is an incredibly talented person. He is a badass artist, who can also direct, write, edit, and let's not even get me started where else he is talented. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, yet is not judgmental. My daughter wants to be his tag-team partner. He makes up long, elaborate nicknames to call me...just to drive me crazy. Gary is a single father to 2 girls -- one he has full custody of. He has select OCD...the couch has to line up along the grout lines on the tile floor, yet the dishes can sit in the sink all day. My kids absolutely adore him. He and I wrestle around almost every day, and I have the bruises to prove it. Gary is too forgiving. My son thinks it is totally cool that Gary can make an entire movie all by himself. He sings silly, made-up love songs to me every day. I love that we can discuss the virtues of existentialism, and debate over who is a worse father -- Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson. Gary can always make me laugh. He is a borderline misogynist, but I think most women suck, too! Gary doesn't eat meat because he loves animals so much. He has a perfect ass. Gary is the love of my life!
GARY ON RAMEE - There's a scene in Rocky where Paulie asks Rocky, "You like my sister?" When Rocky responds that he does, he goes on
to clarify things for Paulie by saying, "She fills gaps." When pressed to explain himself, Rocky says, "I dunno. She's got gaps. I got gaps.
Together - we fill gaps." Now replace gaps with big black hole of loveless misery crushed by years of choosing the wrong women and
you have how I feel about Ramee.
Ramee is the love of my life. She came along when I had abandoned any shred of hope that there existed anything even remotely close to a good woman
on this planet. She not only went on to shatter that theory; she a-bombed it outta the water. I have never met someone I fit so perfectly with. She has a dark, wicked,
sardonic sense of humor, finds absolutely nothing taboo, and never ceases in making me laugh every single day. She's beautiful. I love the way she looks, tastes, and
smells. I love burying my head in her hair when we spoon at night. I absolutely love her ass, too - it's so freaking perfect! I love relaxing with her every night, whether we're on the couch watching movies and eating chocolate chip walnut cookies and ice cream (Mudpie Mojo being her favorite), or we're sitting outside on our porch discussing bad TV from the past, the lack of selling in SoCal pro wrestling, porn, or the dating habits of Joey Ryan. I love the fact that she's also fiercely protective of me and targets anyone seeking to hurt me in any way.
She's a phenomenol mother. She was married for over 15 years and, despite undergoing a divorce that split a home, 6 cars, and 2 kids, she handled everything with
grace and class. She doesn't use others for her own purposes, use the children as blackmail, lie, cheat, manipulate, or deceive her ex (or anyone else, for that matter) like other 'mothers' I've seen in my life.
Ramee taught me that it's easy to be magnanimous when you're truly happy. She makes me truly happy. I have never been so honored to have someone in my life who
inspires my dumbass self to be more than I ever thought I was capable of. I can't imagine the rest of my life without her. She not only feels like home to me. She IS my home.