erm...ME?nice and simple...turNtaBle, liVe aCou$tic, mU$e, LuRvE, LuRvE, LuRvE, CoKeLaT, SukE bUaT MuKer, taLkinG, RhUmBa FraPpUcIno Add WhiPpEd cReam...Yummy!!! RaSpbErRy Tea FraPpuCinO, StaRz, BliNg2, GraFiti, BuaT maCam2 bUnyik,Mini CoOper,smart,Huh??"I LUV NuRuDDAeN OMAR
..CoMpUtEr..FaHsIoN..dEsInG bEnDe pElik2, Mc'DliCioUs, MakaN fREncH frIes DgN AisKerem, MeraYap2, Quote$, MoNeY$$$$, WaLlCliMbing,ABs3iLing,riLeX mY miND aT tHe beach, Jet Ski, WaKebOaRdinG, SuRfinG da' OcEan, In liNe aGreSsiVe, suKe tgK cerMin...i LoVe To Do SuMtin' DaT pEoPle diDn;t eSpEcT me 2 Do..hUhaHa..I'm not fashion addicted,but i really enjoyed shopping+ do wutever i wanna do..but i'll make sure it's under control...n i believe everythin was/were and will happen is from Allah...
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