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About Me

Ah well, where to start.? I'm a proud father of a beautiful little boy named Christian. He means the absolute world to me., I was born and raised in N.Y consider my self to be a blue collared cat. Somewhat laid back, Not big into the club scene although when my crew and i do it. its done right. I consider my self to be an adrenaline junky. Did the sky diving thing, that was intense. I'm loyal to my family and friends and treasure them both. I got no love for money but respect what it can accomplish. Love my N.Y teams, how could i not. I try to sorround myself with people who release positive energy, people who want to strive in life. I march to my own beat but stay on a richteous path. Those of you with malicious intent, stay away. I'm no baller, just a simple cat trying to overcome the obstacles that this game of life throws at you. Be yourself. What you see is who i am. Peace.

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My Interests

If anyone is selling one of these get at me


My listening pleaures.? ahhh The spectrum is wide. my I-tunes library is pretty extensive. From hip hop to classical.


I'm a big horror movie fan. Night of the living dead(original b/W version) the exorcist, the amityville, children of the corn,the ring one. Holloween the first three. Psycho(original) Christine, texas chainsaw massacre, Damien omen, Rosemary's baby. Also like action and comedies, love that Napoleon Dynamite flick.


Discovery times channel, TLC, NGC, CNN, Seinfeld, The Honeymooners, The original twilight zone b/w,and sportscenter of course