I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHINGI made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHINGIf anyone is selling one of these get at me
My listening pleaures.? ahhh The spectrum is wide. my I-tunes library is pretty extensive. From hip hop to classical.
I'm a big horror movie fan. Night of the living dead(original b/W version) the exorcist, the amityville, children of the corn,the ring one. Holloween the first three. Psycho(original) Christine, texas chainsaw massacre, Damien omen, Rosemary's baby. Also like action and comedies, love that Napoleon Dynamite flick.
Discovery times channel, TLC, NGC, CNN, Seinfeld, The Honeymooners, The original twilight zone b/w,and sportscenter of course