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I am here for Friends

About Me

a tEXT tO nORA lAST nIGHT::: I was born with pure greatness. Then my mom dipped me in a tub full of words,and they all poured into my noggin. And so it was the dawn of intelligence................................................ .................................................SO... I've decided there's a greatness about me, that can only be seen when you are in the presence of pure intelligence.. Unable to comprehend the facts of life, and the motion of the world as it fall into place.. Is the result of stupidity and negligence.... To throw away something as precious as the gift of life is an insult to not only yourself, but to those around you. Back to my insane ability of being magically delicious and brilliant... There are selected few who fully get the sense of how things work in life... and the ones that do... I've come to realize... are some of the best people I've ever met.. To find someone that's in the same state of mind as you, is a rare occurance, and should be treated as such...I love going out and having a great time. Meeting new people is one of the best things in life. Just taking life one shot at a time...... Or if You're like me, one bowl at a time... I love when people can come up to me and tell me I'm a riot to be around, and that i know how to have fun. Life is about knowing what you want, and going after it.... but not forgetting to have fun along the way.... There's so much people forget to do in life, either that, or they get caught up in the mess of society to realize what they once lived for. The thrill of the moment, the thought of feeling alive. There's so much I want to do in life, that if for one second I thought none of it was possible, I'd re-evaluate everything in my life so that it was. The last thing I want is to wake up one morning, and realize that everything I once dreamed was... just that... a dream. Not for a minute would I change who I am and how I live. My friends seem to like that about me... and that's why I'll naver change... haha.. If they can deal with me... So can you! Much Love Suckas! plain layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Soul MateDevils Takin' Names-Lawrence Arms
.. amp;videoid=7784097

My Blog

Theres a .....>There's a.... ...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 17:48:00 GMT

oh man. Chelsey made my day.

WOMAN ' S PERFE CT BREAK FASTShe' s sitti ng at the table with her gourm et coffe e. Her son is on the cover of the Wheat ies box.Her daugh ter is on the cover of Busin ess Week. Her boyfr...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 12:29:00 GMT

This thing called "life"....

Life, to many, may seem like a chaotic mess of confusion and let downs. But to others, life can be full of opportunities and and mind altering experinces. To me, however, life... the world... is an ex...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 03:36:00 GMT

How Could I...

How could I be friends with you after all that you've said and done? How could I have allowed this relationship to continue.... after all the bullshit was brought upon by you and only you? You ruined ...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 00:50:00 GMT

Seize The Day

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lostIt's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache overI see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with timeBut I'm too young to worryThes...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 13:25:00 GMT

Jail Time....

6pm march 16 - 6am march 17So....I’m finally home after spending 12 hours of my life in jail.....(let’s not mention why)I get arrested.......for bullshit that could’ve been stopped W...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:09:00 GMT

Your Failure Is My Revenge....

When your world comes crashing down, and the thoughts of your, once wonderous life, start to slowly fade away... I'll be there to pull you back. When the ones you thought once loved you, pack the...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:56:00 GMT

Falling Too Fast...

Falling Too Fast... Sometimes.. when the world stops, and your body goes numb... the only person you can think about is the one you're maddly "in like" with. This drug that keeps the bad things out of...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 02:15:00 GMT