Seems to always be changing! As of late Swing Dancing, Geocaching and exploring KELOWNA!
Birthplace: " A place to live.. A place to grow.. On - Tear - ree air ree air ree oh! " Vaughn to be exact.
What's the best thing about living in Kelowna: Afternoon tea with Ogopogo..
Other than Kelowna where else would you love to live someday? On a sailboat in International waters..
When you have friends visit Kelowna from elsewhere for the first time, what's the one thing you insist they see/do? Help us with home reno's... and than go for a cruise on the SUN FM Boat!
Favourite Hobby/Pastime? Disc Golfing / Geocaching / Swing Dancing / Anything on the water..
If you could have one superpower, what would it be, and why? I want to be able to freeze time.. Why? I get up every morning at 3:30AM.. I think you can figure it out from here!
One song that's the anthem to your life? It's a mash up between Spice Girls Wannabe, Gloria Garnier I Will Survive and Britney Spears Lucky
TV Show that you'd most like to appear on, and why? The Susan Knight Show!
Famous person (living or dead) you'd most like to spend time getting to know: Dolly Parton - she is amazing!
What's your #1 pet peeve? Bad customer service. Errrrrrrrrrr...
What's the #1 fashion faux pas today? Anything SLOUCH!
Whom do you admire the most? Anyone who has figured out there role in life and is
Chances are good - YOU! If I haven't had the privelage :) Myspace Backgrounds
As long as it has a hook I'm there..
Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back... all tied up with a pretty bow and a happy ending!
Amazing Race, Las Vegas, Without a Trace, CSI, ANTM, MMMusic, CMT, What Not To Wear, anything about home reno's but Trading places... When I have time to watch TV!
List is waayyyyyyy to long - give me a book and I'll read it with the same glee that I eat a hot fudge sundae!
Anyone who gives from the heart ...