Music, books, and things around me. And definately NOT you..
An equal. A match. A natural. Somebody who can break down my wall. And, of course anyone else who's interested.R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Music?? is my LIFE. Its a drug and i'm hooked. I'm in love with acoustic rock and College rock . More so than RnB and Soul or Hip Hop. For me, Rock has always been more original. RAWK ON BROTHA!!
Something that moves me. I don't go crazy over comedy or horror or violence. Something thats deep and heavy that has the power to move me. Something that can awaken my emotions. Sadly, I'm addicted to love stories. Lame, I know.
Nope, not a sucker for the Idiot Box. Well maybe MTV and [V]. I'll watch whtever wehnever I have the time.
Way to much to list down here. I read alot of fiction and not enough college text books. Hey,Atleast I do read.
Haha! What a laugh.. Heroes? They don't exsist. Stop fooling yourselves.