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About Me

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Hi, and welcome to my page. I hope you find it interesting
I was born in Louisville Ky., raised in Miami Fla. I have been a Christian for about half ofmy life, filled with the Holy Ghost for half that time. I attend New Hope Ministries here inDenver.
I am a retired house painter. Before I retired I was in the radio ministry. I was a DJ and Production Manager for a Christian radio station in Gainesville Fla (Go Gators!) Sadly, I left the ministry to relocate here in Colorado.
I am the father of two awesome sons (see my pics). I like to play video games on my laptop computer. I feed the squirrels and the pigeouns downtown. I have a cat. His name is Leo. I once had a rat but she died of respiratory illness.
I have a passion for the homeless. I love to worship my beautiful Lord. I have an altar with candles and insence. I like to defend the faith from all naysayers. I have a passion for the Jehovahs Witnesses cult. I wish I could change thier minds but it is hard because they are so set in thier ways.
Have you ever received the Lord as your Saviour? If not hurry up. There isnt much time left on earth!

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How does one know that God exists? Thank goodness you don't have to be a scholar to findout. C.I. Schofield, a noted Christian theologian (editor of the Scofield Reference Bible)said of Genesis 1:1 "Thebible begins with God, not with philosophical arguements for his existance." The bible is unique in that it is not philosophical, but revelatory, accounting for thedealings of God with the human race from beginning to end, from Genesis toRevelations.

I edited my profile at MyGen.co.uk the best profile generator on the web! Some of the code I did myself

Jims musings space
Jims musings space

The Jehovah's witnesses believe that Jesus was a created being. But in order to believe thatyou must say that God was alone in heaven before he supposedly created Jesus. Howeverscripture simply doesn't teach that. In the JW's own translation of John 1:1-3 say's "all things cameinto existance through him (Jesus), and apart from him (Jesus) not even one thing came intoexistance." therefore God could not have been alone in eternity before he created jesusbecause apart from Jesus "not even one thing came into existance." Johns point was thatJesus never came into existanc at any time but was with God in the beginning. Jesus isco-existant and co-creator with God.
How does one attain to perfect love? I wish that I had the answer. But I want you to know that I am not giving up till I find it. Understanding His perfect love is the key to intimacy. I John 4:18 says "Thereis no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do withpunishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." So, fear has to do with punishment.But God is not a punishing God for the righteous because we have been made perfect in His love. And the beauty of it all is that we have already been judged in Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection. God laid our sin upon Christ and we have been atoned for. Thus by His resurrection we are made just. And God is just and the justifier of those who believe in Him.I think we often feel guilt and shame because of our sin and this hinders us from knowingHis perfect love.

Jims more about me space

D o n t h e s i t a t e a n y l o n g e r . C a l l u p o n t h e n a m e o f t h e L o r d t o d a y !

Places I hang out:
Christian hard rock dot net Not for the Christain faint of heart!
The Joy fm From North-central Fla.
Hardcast Radio Hardcore/hardstyle
Happy Harcore Happy hardcore heaven!
Netgrooves Radio Groovy beats
The Womb Watch womb tv dj's live!
Masters of Hardcore If the music isn't good the site is cool
D Dance Digital dance community
Mark Soul Aka Marc Cyber Dj
Etn Fm Dance commity network
Di efem Digital dance comminity
Radio Sfera .. nastroni
Philosomatika Goa and psycodelic trance
XTC Radio Dj journeys into the underground
Techno Music.com Alot of different mixes
Other Blogs I read:
My Damascus Road From the Mile High city
Mile High Rev He's everybody's Pastor
Evangelical Outpost The Denver watering hole
Joyful Christian what I want to be some day
Scrapple Face News fairly unbalanced
The Journey What a long, strange trip it's been
Being There Retired and loving every minute
Favorite web sites:
The Silicon Zoo You have to see this to believe it!
Spies Cafe Very intrigueing indeed!
Christian Answers DOT NET A good place for new Christians
Homestar Runner Hilarious! kid friendly
Bible Gateway Look up any scripture
My Groups:
Defenders of the Faith

My Blog

God or Angel

The cult Jehovah's witness believe that Jesus is a created being, the archangel Michael for example. But scripture is so clear on this that the coclusion is inescapealble. Jesus could not possibly be ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 13:26:00 GMT