Theresa, Sidney, Guitars, Music, Cats, Scrabble, Computers, Gigs, Travel, Timbers Army 107!, Millwall, West Ham United ( Ha Ha Ha! ), Vodka, Jaggermeister, Etc.
Ronnie Biggs, Frankie Flame, Cocksparrer, Chuck Berry.
Cocksparrer, The Clash, Superyob, The Oppressed, Combat 84, On File, Chuck Berry, Frankie and the Flames, 4 Skins, GBH, U.S. Bombs, Oxblood, The Business, Iron Maiden, Poison Idea, old Slayer, Motley Crue ( Too Fast For Love only ) The Last Resort, UK Subs, Orlik, Punkroiber and loads more...
Goodfellas, Resevoir Dogs, Football Factory, Hamburger Hill, Casino, Snatch, Romper Stomper, Punk Rock Movie, Sid and Nancy and a few more. Not real big on movies...
Lost, Sopranos, Deadwood, Girls Behaving Badly, Candid Camera, Dave Chappelle, History Channel, Elimidate, Blind Date, Animal Cops.
Ronnie Biggs, Johnny Cash Autobiography's.
Charlie Harper, Duane Peters, Franky Flame...