adopt your own virtual pet!synchronicity, independant cinema, filmmaking, the voynich manuscript, the origins of humanity, the nature of the cosmos, EVP, paranormal and psychic phenomena, anything out of the "norm", and of course, anything that other people tell me looks too complicated I'm interested in. Oh yeah, and I'm learning to play guitar and piano.
Those that have a story to tell.
Anything that can be played loudly. Interpol, MUSE, My Chemical Romance,The Cure, etc. I'm also a fan of classic blues songs, I love those "my woman left me and took my dog" songs. I'm a fan of old Cab Calloway songs too:Blues is always better when its sung by a ghost walrus
I have an extensive movie collection, basically any type of movie you can think of, I enjoy. I love all types of cinema, from mainstream to indie. Lately though, I can't enjoy a movie without trying to figure out how they lit a scene or did a special effect, so DVD commentaries are my favorite things about films.
Your Movie Buff Quotient: 84%
You are a movie buff of the most obsessive variety. If a movie exists, chances are that you've seen it.
You're an expert on movie facts and trivia. It's hard to stump you with a question about film.
Are You a Movie Buff?A few of my favorites:A Knight's Tale,
What the Bleep do we know,
Thirteenth Floor,
The whole Cube Trilogy,
Only the first Matrix movie,
Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind,
Return of the Living Dead parts 1, 2 and 4,
the Back to the Future Trilogy,
Indiana Jones, all of em,
Them,Jesus Christ - Vampire Hunter,
Cannibal the Musical,
Gremlins 1 & 2,
All the Leprechaun movies,
Trois Colours -Bleu (my favorite of the trilogy)
The Big Lebowski
Ghost World
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Once Upon a time in Mexico
Sleepy Hollow
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Television is the key to controlling a large populous of people.Some of my favorite tv shows that are still on air:Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Mythbusters, LOST (I have to catch up) and Ghost hunters on Sci-fi, a spooky treat each week.Shows I still watch even though they aren't on air anymore:Invader Zim, Pinky & the Brain, Earthworm Jim, old Tex Avery cartoons, I love Fleischer cartoons, the older the better. I'm a fan of Ren and Stimpy, generally, any twisted cartoon, I like :)The adventures of Briscoe County Jr (it featured Bruce Campbell as a time traveling cowboy), The Prisoner (old 60s British show) and of course, Firefly
"How to take over the world in ten easy steps", "The Cannibal's Cookbook", "The Zombie Survial Guide", "How to put a voodoo curse your coworkers for profit", Various Alchemical Texts from the middle ages, and Calvin and Hobbes comics of course. I'm in the process of reading Eragon, its been a good one so far.Actually I enjoy a wide variety of literature. I find that I can immmerse myself in the story of a great novel and lose all track of time. Books are what keeps our imaginations alive, without them, our creativity dwindles and we all become...well...intellectual zombies.