Books, travel, midgets, sunsets in Hollywood, naps in hammocks, pseudo intelligentsia, kinder eggs, records, tim tams, giggles, tattoos, French anything, music, bohemian life style, wacky adventures, martinis of all flavors, 80s music, road trips, monkeys (flying and nonflying), old school lunch boxes, mixed tapes a la John Cusak, snow cones, Buddha jewelry, Indian and Thai food, porn, writing, ex patriots, revolutionaries, karma, keepin' it real, rainy days, jacuzzis, skittles, surrealism, dramatic landscapes, Frida Kahlo, Andre Breton, Robert Smith, bubble gum, lip gloss, swap meets, stripper shoes
I'd like to meet:
Fellow travelers, midgets, bohemians, artists, photographers, UCLA nerds, Europeans, or any foreigners in general, Charles Shaw (I have probably put his kids through college)
You're still following me? Stop! Leave me alone! [ walks away, then turns around and smiles] I'm just teasing. Come here. Come closer. You know I love you, my little monkeys. But leave me my dreams. Dreams are like paper, they tear so easily. I love to play. Every time I play you win Ciao.
Erasure, Cure, Depeche Mode, Air, Dandy Warhols, Anything Electronica, down tempo, Jeff Buckley, Prince, Journey when I am feeling like a small town girl, Guns and Roses and NWA to wake me up in the morning, Rufus Wainwright, techno remixes of 70s songs, any version of Lighter Shade of Pale or Nobody Does it Better, The Flaming Lips, Gorillaz, Outkast, Pete Yorn, Prince, Chaka Khan, what ever fits on my IPOD, Sister Sisters, I think Jake Shears is a fucking rock star, he's the Bowie of our generation that's saying a lot, I fucking love him!
Buckaroo Bonsai, Dangerous Liaisons, Never Ending Story I and II, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Usual Suspects, Frida, Fifth Element, anything John Hughes, Goonies, Amelie, Groundhog Day.
My So Called Life, Lost, Surreal Life, Black Adder, Absolutely Fabulous, Sex in the City, Dave Chapelle, Fraggle Rock, Strangers with Candy, the History Channel. Bad Reality television, anything that shows a fucked up commentary on our society!
100 Years Of Solitude, Melancholy Death of Oyster boy, The Alchemist, anything I write, Oscar Wilde, Marquis De Sade, Douglas Copeland, Hunter S. Thompson. I am still searching for the novel that defines my generation, guess I'll have to write it.
Me, Oprah, Angelina Jolie, Cardiologists, bartenders, female wrestlers, bohemians, travelers, midgets, karma police, Frida, people who are truly in love, Martin Luther King, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy"