music, poetry, SHOES, basketball, writing, snowboarding, my boys, partying!!!!!!!!!!
Bruce Lee, Bob Marley, Langston Hughes, Leonardo Da Vinci, Ghengis Khan, Pablo Neruda, Tupac, Michael Jordan, Vida Guerra, Cypress Hill, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, Too Short, Pablo Escobar, Aristotle, Pancho Villa, Galileo, Spike Lee, Cheech Marin, John Locke, Benjamin Franklin, Allen Iverson, Denzel Washington, Montezuma, King Tut, Santana, My Grandfather, Huey P. Newton, Michelangelo, Martin Luther King, Mike Tyson, Helen Keller, John F. Kennedy, Osama Bin Laden, Turbo and Ozone, Morgan Freeman, WU-TANG MUTHAFUCKA, Zack De La Rocha, Bradley Nowell, Robert Plant, Kurt Kobain, Bob Dylan, Bart Simpson, Baron Davis, Joe Montana, Randall Cuningham, Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders, King Arthur, Mel Gibson, Blade, William Shakespeare, Rob Zombie, Tera Patrick, Raven Riley, Del the Funky Homosapien, Eazy-E, 2 Live Crew, Vinnie Paz, Immortal Technique, The Rock, The Legion of Doom, Stalin, Hitler, Napolean, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Old school....Rap...hip hop...rock....reggae..Freestyle.....anything I can bob my head and dance to....Wu Tang Muthafucka.....Jedi Mind Tricks....Immortal Technique...2pac...Rehab....Rage against the Machine....Steel Pulse...Zepplin...Marley...Gorillaz...All Natural..Dre Dog...Totally Insane....Michael Jackson before he was a pervert...Santana..Al Green....Ottis Redding...Creedance..Outcast...$hort Dog...Ub40....E-40...Spice 1...James Brown...Cypress Hill...Metallica...Staind....Sublime....
Boondock Saints.....Man on Fire...Devil's Rejects..House of a 1000 Corpses..City of God...Ong Bach....X-men...Sin City...Blade....Enter the Dragon....300..300..300..300..Big Trouble in Little China...Perfume...BLACK SNAKE MOAN
TV is the Devil and I can't stop SINNING!!!!!!
Prison Writings by Leonard Peltier....Incarcerated for over 20 years for a crime he did not commit...Fucking FBI...My Bloody Life by Luis Rodriguez
MY MOTHER.......Anyone who can surpass adversity