TAJJ profile picture


positive potential 2 ignite your sub-psyche

About Me

This Band of four fighters for mental clarity meaning oneness with God was thrown together on June 30th in one random trip to Dallas, Tx. Consisting of Timothy Haverkamp: the pianist, Ashleé Madison: screamer, Jeff Mims: bassist, and Jemar Poteat: drummer.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/10/2006
Band Members: Timothy Heverkamp Ashleé Madison Jeff Mims Jemar Poteat
Influences: Holy Spirit, Lots of Old Black folks, Erykah Badu, Mahalia Jackson, Miles Davis, The Clark Sisters, The Canton Spirituals, Al Green, Jill Scott, Kirk Franklin, Chosen Few, Common, T.J., Ashlee, Jeff, Jemar...
Sounds Like: Hello!
Type of Label: None