i play guitar and its all i ever want to do
i no longer play with Smalltown Tragedies
smalltown will be no more wana know why read my blog...
so i continu to work on my own music...as allways new shit will get posted from time to time...leave me coments about my music and let me know what you like....thanks for stoping by and checking out my page...l8r
clcik this pic to enter my world
this is my solo work unless otherwise noted evreything here is done with drumbeats from my digi or a keyboard
drum beats from a digi tech rp 50 pedel me playing guitar i allso have a seting on my pedal that makes my guitar sound somewhat like a bass guitar so i allso add in some basslines from time to time......
Check the lyrics page for info on each song.....
herald with hpcrazy is me playing lead guitar to back track that came from www.guitartricks.com
hpcrazy made the backtrack to herald with hpcrazy
a few band i started up back in the day...of smalltown
smalltown tragedies is done as are the others
click this pic to enter our world
this project consist of ME on guitar ,gabe Screaming ,and paul druming
clcik this pic to enter our world
this project consist of ME on guitar ,Zack Screaming ,and Paul druming
clcik this pic to enter our world
me playing a quick little solo
here is a quick little solo i dreamt up this morning...
have a listen.....