Aimstar profile picture


Ancora Imparo - I am still learning.

About Me

MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayoutsI moved to Park City,UT in January 2006 from Boise,ID. I moved here for my job as a Sales Rep for Ibizwebsite. I love my job and everyone I work with. Although there are those times we but heads, we still all work as a team.I am a very friendly, outgoing, open-minded, person. I forgive easily although I haven't figured out if that's such a good thing or not. :-) Maybe I need to learn how to forgive and never forget, instead of forgive and forget. But, if I remember details how to I completely forgive? At times I can be bullheaded, but I tend to reflect and will admitt when I am wrong.
Your Life Path Number is 22
Your purpose in life is to use your power for good
Of all the life paths, yours has the most innate power.
Your power lies in your vision, and you must recruit others to help you in this vision.
You are able to be a great idealist, but you still have the practicality to get things done.
In love, you tend to be a big romantic - but you also tend to keep your distance.
You have a lot of potential, and it's sometimes hard to live up to.
Sometimes you just feel like slipping into obscurity and doing nothing.
You tend to be prone to dramatic emotions, until you step back and look at things honestly. What Is Your Life Path Number?
My Space or Yours? Myspace Layouts and more at!

My Interests

I love the great outdoors! I currently like to mountain bike, camp and ski and snowboard. The last couple of years I have had more joy in helping people learn how to snowboard. I also enjoy drinking wine and socializing with girlfriends, Eating Sushi (a new thing I tried and love it!) and working out (mainly running and lifting) I also enjoy cooking for other people and shooting pool. I have to say I am pretty good too. :-)I miss canoeing at dawn with my dad so if anyone is up for it when we are out camping let me know. I also enjoy photograpy.

I'd like to meet:

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Girly Myspace Layouts
Any like-minded peeps who can share the same passions and hobbies as me. Men and women who are considerate and respectful towards others. Anyone who likes an adventure because everything doesn't always go as planned.


Almost anything... Mat Kearney, Howie Day, David Gray, Garth Brooks, String Cheese, Bela Fleck, Left Over Salmon, Greatful Dead, Great Big Sea, Gaelic Storm, Snow Patrol, The Fray, Hinder, Nickelback, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Cake, Green Day, Augustana, Niel Diamond, Keane, Goo Goo Dolls, U2, Cold Play, James Blunt, Foo Fighters, Vertical Horizon, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lifehouse, Dashboard Confessinals, Guns n' Roses, Fleetwood Mac, Dave Mathews, Blackeyed Peas. I like a little alternative rock, classic rock, 80's, 90's alternative, hip hop, old country and almost any Celtic.


I like every movie except dark comedy and those terrible horror movies. Love Benny & June. My favorite action is "TOP GUN," Tom Cruise was so hot back then. My favorite phsycological thriller, Seven. My favorite Comdey, Wedding Crashers...and by far the greatest was BORAT! And my all time favorite romance is The Notebook. My parents have that kind of love why can't I someday... or maybe I am living in a fantasy world. I have to say that The Sister Hood Of The Traveling Pants is an all time feel good movie for women of any age. I like some 80's flicks too like, Aspen Extreme and Pretty In Pink.


The Apprentice, CSI, American Idol, Jay Leno, The Office and all the repeats of Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond, Vh1, HGTV and I channel surf alot.


I will read almost any self improvement book and if I read a novel it will be a mystery/fiction. And... He's just not that into you, every woman should read it! That's the latest book I have read.


My Family... Mom, Dad, Lara, Jacob, Becca, Ben, Zach, Josh and Sarah and of course my nieces and nephew. And anyone who has and will influence my life.

My Blog


To please the senses requires impulse. In turn the deliverance is grief. I must look past the pleasures and look at what brings happiness. To please the soul requires fortitude.In turn the deliveranc...
Posted by Aimstar on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 02:11:00 PST

I Have Learned...

I have learned that we, as human beings should live, learn and pass it on. I have learned the anticipation is often better than the reall thing. I have learned that when a cop is behind me almost alwa...
Posted by Aimstar on Tue, 08 May 2007 12:52:00 PST

My Strengths

A book called, "Now, Discover Your Strengths," has had a great influence in my life.  When trying to grow and change we tend to focus on our weaknesses.  This book teaches us how to build on...
Posted by Aimstar on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:49:00 PST

Famous Quotes

  The personDon't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.  interested in success has to learn to view failure as a ...
Posted by Aimstar on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 09:03:00 PST