The infamous trio at the USC vs. UCLA football game.
The chicas out on the town for Lupe's birthday.... but where is Lupe? Late... again.
Days of innocence, right Yolz? We were barely of drinking age.
Loving him is easy!
My top rated movies are...
Mr. Vincent D'Onofrio
Law and Order, Criminal Intent
Currently Reading:
Trading Up - Candace Bushnell
Recently Read:
Demons and Angels - Dan Brown
I thought this book was better than the Da Vince Code. Dan Brown masterfully details grueling scene after grueling scene... not for the weak of heart.
The Years With Laura Diaz - Carlos Fuentes
An awesome historical fiction novel that draws out Mexican history during a time of struggle and change.
Woe Is I
A really lame yet useful grammar book :)
DaVinci Code - Dan Brow
This book proved to be every bit as good as all its hype.
100 Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A book that was a bit drawn out and at times somewhat confusing but made me sad when I was actually done with it.
The Notebook - Nicholas Sparks
This novel was a nice quick read but I actually thought the movie was a better in some ways. Romance novels are not my favorite.
The Diary of A Young Girl- Anne Frank
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
On My List To Read:
On Beauty - Zadie Smith
The House of Bernarda Alba - Federico Garcia Lorca
Yerma - Federico Garcia Lorca
The Labyrinth of Solitude - Octavio Paz
America - Jon Stewart