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Lizzy Loo


About Me

I got my layout at Elizabeth --
Similar to butter in texture and appearance
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
There's a mystery to what her love can do
And she has a way of taking over you
She can hold your heart with every move she makes
But a single smile is really all it takes
She'll make you forget the way life used to be
Because once you let her in, she will take your everything,br
Cause her name is always Elizabeth
And she'll take your heart away and apologize for breaking it
Just the same, love of any other kind
Would simply be a waste of time to me
She will tell me that her loves a day away
And there's something in her eyes that makes me stay
But her expectations are too great for me
So she'll leave me for the man I'll never be
She took all I had from beginning to end
But if I had another chance, I'd probably do it all again
The new york sky's finding me lonely in love tonight
This way I deal can't take away what is real
Or change how I feel
Cause her name is always Elizabeth
And she'll take your heart away and apologize for breaking it
Just the same, love of any other kind
Would simply be a waste of time to me

My Interests

My Very Handsome Boyfriend Joshua
MY FAMILY ~ my stronghold
MUSIC! ginormous part of my life
Violin -- cuz i play one
aRt ~ excluding print making i loathe print making
PHOTOGRAPHY!!!!~ i love to take pictures always have! uve prolly noticed that
Reading~ yes i am a nerd get over it
THE BEATLES ~ my first music love
England~ its where my family is from and its a dandy place
Traveling ~ i want to see the world especially Spain and Costa Rica and Brazil
Missons~ i love missons trips and am considering it as a career
Government~ is not boring! i like it and also am consider it as a career
History~ Is alive to me i love it!
Washington D.C ~ one of my favorite cities wanna go to college there maybe
My Niece~ she is the most beautiful baby alive
**Gazing at the stars and talking about the future**
skim boarding till u break something
~the beach~
Georgia O'Keefe and Cezanne
Catching fireflies
Dancing in the Rain
Jane Austen!!

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


Daphne loves Derby,Saosin, The Working Title,Anberlin, Emery,Taking Back Sunday, Death Cab for Cutie,Head Automatica, Showbread, John Mayer, Relient K, Something Corporate, My chemical romance, AFI, Day of Fire, All American Rejects, Flogging Molly, Cheap Trick, Lenny Kravitz, The Killers, Jet, Black Eyed Peas, Mae

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Grease, Fried Green Tomatoes, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Sixteen Candles, Pretty In Pink, Gremlins, Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, Step Mom, Napoleon Dynamite, Princess Bride, 10 things i hate about you, twelfth night, Shakespeare in love, Pride and Prejudice, Fast and the Furious, and Zoolander hehe


Alias!! i love Jennifer Garner


hmm too many to list umm i love anything by Jane Austen, Angus thongs and full frontal snogging, A great and terrible beauty, The sisterhood of the traveling pants, anything by Sarah Dessen, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Phillis Renolds Naylor, the notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, A walk to remember, Message in a bottle , anything by Nicholas Sparks, And alot more im a big book worm hehe i know im a nerdVideo code provided by


Jesus, the one and only Jessa LANE!

My Blog

The Joy of my week hehe

Ahh Jack's Mannequin, Copeland, The Hush Sound and drum roll pleasee DAPHNE LOVES DERBY!!! are coming . Yeah so im excited and i just wanted to let the world know.  If anyone one wants to go let ...
Posted by Lizzy Loo on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 05:29:00 PST

So im Bored

hmm I've never posted one of these so i don't really know what to say. Im really bored right now, Im all alone hmm surprize surprize and This intrigued me so i guess ill give it a shot.  Not like...
Posted by Lizzy Loo on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 06:06:00 PST