At the age of 12 months 42 days, I was dropped.. on my head.. very sharply and bluntly... by my sisters girlfriends boyfriends father. It was a bad day, one could consider... but after that day.. my life had changed forever. I was made me, Sir Eoin Hallimus the 4th after the 6th of the XIV. %D%A%D%AWhen I was 14... I noticed... noticed that I didnt have any feet. I wasn't like the other boys... who had great big feet... and they didnt include me in any of their feet games... FUCKERS! So.. I threw rocks at them.. great big ones.. I killed few but was eventually over powered... they kicked... really hard... into my head... but that just made me stronger. Then the green plastic watering cans.. and a fake chinese rubber band... but that is too much for me to talk about now... I will fill in that later... that was a very sad day.%D%A%D%ANow... 723 days later... after rigorous examination by Dr. Frederick Fhinkshhh... I was released back into society... I shall have my revenge... PREPARE TO DIE FUCKERS!!!
My Interests
i like fims and music and other stuff to
i like doing other stuff i don't have a clue how to do