Wa gwan...this is me init King Beatz lol. We'll by now im sure you have all figured out i am a producer, by the name lol. We'll i started producing when i was in lyk secondary school in like year 9 working with one of music teacher (Mr Parker), well he taught me the basic of how to use the softwares and what not, but the rest is all in my creativity. So since then i've just been doing my thing, i've made 100's of beatz but i dnt fink i'll run out of idea's i dont know yet if im selling im just trying to show what U.K underground talents are made of. Right bout now i dont mind working with certain ppl to get myself a buzz. So if your on this thing jus message me or snd me an e-mail "kokidy@hotmail.com" i'll get bk 2 u asapHold tite all my people trying to blow its hard work but u'll make it if you try."what you put in ,is what you get back"