would give it ALL for HIM!<3 profile picture

would give it ALL for HIM!<3

above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23

About Me

Many times, its the simple things in life that take your breath away.The way that the sun shines through the clouds or the way the leaves of the trees blow in the wind.The magnificant beauty of life and nature overwhelm me sometimes.My name is ALYSSA. I live my life day by day, hoping to receive the best out of it. The suttle cuteness and intimacy of life and its encounters are the best feelings in the world. I live my life for myself and for the important people within it. I would give anything for the ones that are important to me;they have all helped shape me into who i am and i feel that i owe them so much. I can be shy, i know, but give me a chance and i will open up. i feel that i have a big heart, i make friends not because i am outgoing, but because i am nice,accepting, and welcoming. i try to care for everyone, but its hard. in most situations you have to choose the better of two wrongs. i have endured heartache, but have seen and experienced that the worst things can become better. that with time things will heal and even if you cant fully eliminate the hurt, the open wound will cover and the scar will be all thats left. allowing people into my life, has helped me get through so much. attemping to take advice is hard for me to do, but i have gained the knowledge that it is the best thing. my life is full of fun and laughter. the cure for bad times is njoyment, so i feel that as long as i am enjoying every second i am on this planet, then my life is the best around. holding onto relationship and keeping my friends and family close to my heart is the main goal that i have set for myself. i am an independent person, i know what i want from life, and i will do what i can to receive that. to always be happy...to make others happy...and to never have to look back and think "i wish i could have done that different" is how i want my life to be in the end.

My Interests

Interests Interests include::
~Friends n Family
~Being outside
~Watching tv
Doin things that help me to enjoy life and that will make me laugh and have a BLAST!!!

I'd like to meet:

What THEY Gotta Say

AARON(MY LOVE)Baby, I love you more than anything in the world. You make me the happiest i've ever been. Theese last 106 days, 10 hours, and 57 minutes have been the best moments of my life. Hearing your voice makes me the happiest person in the world. I LOVE YOU!!! You are smart, funny, kind, caring, passionate, beutifull, and i love that you know how to make me feel good even when im feeling the worst. Sometimes it might get a litttle frustrating that you care about everyone so much, but NEVER change! Those qualities are what make you, you. Yes, even if you were in a fire and your face got burnt, i would still tell you that you are beautifull, and the best part is that it wwould still be true. Not only are you the most beautiful girl on the outside, but your just as beuatiful on the inside. Every time i see you i feel like the world might actually be going good for me. The hardest part about spending time with you, is the missing. Every second im with you, im crying on the inside because i know its a second closer till we part ways again. You are the sun shining through my storm. I would give anything for you. You are the most beutifull girl in the world, screw 7, you were wrong. You are so high on the scale that they havn't even invinted a number for you yet. I know sometimes i annoy you and im sorry. I know im not good enough for you, but i thank God every chance i get for blessing me with you. Without you, i would be a ship lost at sea. I would gibe the world for you and i plan on making this relationsip as good as i can, and i plan on putting all my heart into it. I know we've had our fair share of fights but with everyone we get through, we grow strong and that fills me with hoope of our future together. Baby, i love you and i always will! Yours as long as you keep me, AMANDAi love you alyssa and i will never forget all those good times. Especially when you came over and we went to the mall and went on the little tea cup and nick kept on spinning it faster and faster and then we got really sick because we had eaten right before that..then we rode the city bus home and sang christmas songs..then nick told us that his mom was stripping that day and it was just like the most fun we have had at the mall..i love you and miss you!!!!i will remember all the good times we had when we got to hang out..we never could really hang out cause you would hang out with your other friends..you always did try to come over and stuff but when my mom said yes yours said no..and the oppisite way around...i love you and i know i didnt really put much but i still love you very much... TIMALYSSA IS THE NICEST MOST KOOLEST PERSON AND FRIEND YOU CAN DEPEND ON SHE`LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER INSIDE WHEN YOUR DOWN AND SHE ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOU WHEN YOU HAVE APROBLEM SO IF ANONE NEEDS TO TALK TO SOME ONE I SUGGEST THAT YOU TALK TO ALYSSA EFFAN!!!! JOSIEThis girl right here is thee SWEETEST, NiCEST, and M0ST TH0UGHTFUL person I have EVER MET!!!!! Shes alwaiz knoes how to be nice to everyone!!! I still find it amazing how she can be nice to erybodie...but thats just Alyssa for ya. Anywaiz....I just met Alyssa in 8th grade but shes soo FREAKiN AWES0ME!!! Shes S000 FLiPPiN PRETTY..[but guys better N0T be hollering cuz shes MARRiED 2 MARC!! duh! lol], she can sing like....wow..really good...& she can dance!!! I remember thee 8th grade talent show! :] hmm...whatelse..Alyssas the type of person everybodie can get along with because shes soo friendly and easy to talk to. Eryone here in CALi misses her T0NS because she was sooo cool with everyone!! ..i KN0E theres no one out there that can say a BAD THiNG about her because shes got like the best personality around! Plus she throws the BEST parties! ahaha! good times with that jello and oatmeal. XD. Overall I knoe that shell alwaiz have my bak and we wont ever fight...who would fight with Alyssa?!?! lol.. I cant WAiT to see her again and I MiSS Y0U T0NS LYS!!!!! CHELSEAthis be the one and only japtina here to say a lil something bout alyssa...hmm well i first met alyssa in the 5th grade..when i first moved to cali..i remember at recess we used to make pyramids like losers..and we would be the ones at the top!!we were such dorks..haha always getting in trouble by mrs.cathy..haha...but anywho this chicky has been with me for many years and has always been by my side!!shes never let me down...she has one of the beautifullest voices and the prettiest smile..nobody cannot not like her..shes so friendly and thers nothiing you cant love about her. shes always maken me laugh even when she doesnt mean to..shes full of life and if you haven a bad day just being around her makes you happy again...we've shared many memories and we've had some fun times (my party) haha oh geezus..but yea alyssas the kinda person you want to have as a friend and im really thankful shes mine!I LOVE YOU ALYSSA!!i miss you truly!! ---chelsea JORDANhay guyz this is JORDAN sayin some nice words about my girl...AlySSa! she is one of the SWEETEST people i have ever met and i am SO sad that she left me n had 2 move! :( she is such a good fren, and she is some one u can always truss to be there for u wenevr you need her. no one could ask fer a better ren then Lys... i love u girl!.... and even tho ur hella far away, i will ALWYZ be some one thats here for u if u EVR need to talk! i LovE yOU!!!!!!!!.... miss you!!!!.....xOxO MEGAN

THIS IS MEGAN SAYIN SOME THINGS ABOUT MY CHICKA ALYSSA! WELL IVE KNOWN THIS GIRL FOR 5 MONTHS AND SHE IS THE MOST SWEETEST AND PRETTIEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET! ME AND HER MET AT A DANCE IN FAIRFIELD WITH SIMONE...ME...ALYSSA...AND WHITNEY AND ME ALL WERE DANCING HAVING A GOOD TIME...ME AND HER WERE QUIET AROUND EACHOTHER AT FIRST BUT THEN WE STARTED TALKIN WHEN WE DECIDED TO DO CHEERLEADING...OMG PRACTICES AND TRY-OUTS WERE SO HARD...BUT WE BOTH MADE IT AND STARTED TALKIN AT PRACTICES...ME AND HER HAVE A LOT IN COMMON...WE'VE BEEN THROUGH THE SAME SITUATIONS WITH PARENTS AND BOYS...ALYSSA IS THE MOST BEAUTIFULEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET!!! SHE HAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE THAT I HAVE EVER SEEN...SHES SUCH A GREAT FRIEND TO ME!!! SHES SO MUCH FUN TO BE AROUND SHE ALWAYS HAS A SMILE ON HER FACE AND SHE NEVER LETS ANY ONE BRING HER DOWN!!! SHES THE BEST PERSON EVER AND I MISS HER LIKE CRAZY!!!! I LUV YA ALYSSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*MEGAN* ASHLEYhey this is ashley.. i met alyssa threw my sister amanda... at 1st alyssa didnt talk to me.. but threw the weeks she learned that i am a super freaking awesome cool cool person! haha and chyea. i love alyssa so much she is pretty much a good friend and like a sister to me.. i would do anything and everything for her!!! i miss her so freaking much! i hate that she moved! we always had fun together!!! like on the scary bus ride from the mall! haha we sang christmas carols.. ohh yea good times... i freaking love alyssa!!!!!!! she is the coolest person in the world!! ashley ANEECETHIS GURL RYTE HERE!! o mayun she is awesome!! shee is way sweet and soo pretty!!hangin out wit her is soo much fun! core camp wit u was way funn!! cryin wit u was soo sadd! i wish u got tew stay wit us this yeaer but im hella happy that u went tew core camp! witout u would have been soo borin who would rep. the freshmen like u huh? no one!! lol ! soo ne ways this gurl has soo many thing i could say bout her but theres juss way tew many!! nd im lazy lol! but if u dont knoe her like that u should get tew cuz she's soo kewl nd a great friend!! luv ya!!!!!!!!! ~**~AnEeCe~**~ LORRIEWhy hello there strangers, this is Lorrie coming here to talk about my awesome friend Alyssa. What can i say about her you ask??.....well, every single nice thing that you can think of.....she's kind-hearted, fun to be around, a freakin awesome friend & a whole lot more. I met this girl in the 6th grade at goldenwest & we had almost all of our classes together. Ah, our younger days....lol.....i dont exactly remeber how we met but Alyssa was always really nice to me & i appreciated it a lot cuz i was kinda quiet in 6th grade (4 those of u who know me, believe it!! I was quiet!!).....& before she moved....me, her, simone, & jessica had some fun at core camp!! Funny stuff, funny stuff!!! I'll always remember those days......but anyways, she's always got a smile on to let everyone know that no one's gonna bring her down....there's not much more i can say cuz words cant describe how great a friend she is......anyone who has met her knows she's so "EFFAN" AWESOME!!!!!! I "EFFAN" LOVE THIS GIRL CUZ SHE'S SO "EFFAN" KOOOL!!! lol.... SIMONETell you there isnt a lot of things to say about Alyssa, Why because she can only be explained in a few words! The prettiest, the nicest, the best, the most perfect girl u have ever seen! She is like an angel, always caring for people and always behind you 100%!! If u evere need a shy girl to lean on Alyssa is the one... lol! Alyssa is a little shy but, she is so funny and odd sometimes when u get to know her a little better! There is nothinwrong about this girl!!!


--Brian McKnight
--Chris Brown
--Jewl Anguay
--Beyonce Knowles
--Mariah Carey
--Megan Walters
(Pretty much anyone who sings songs with meaning n has a real good voice=]!!)My favorite kind of music is a huge variety. But I mostly listen to LOVE songs n SLOW JAMS.


Movies MOVIES ARE AWESOME!! I like to watch so many that its hard to choose which one are my “favorite”…so here are a few I like:
**The Notebook
**A Walk To Remember
** Whats Love Got To Do With It
**Hitch –made me laugh
**Mean Girls—was interesting n at times…funny.
**White Noise, The Boogeyman, The Ring 1 n 2, The Others, Darkness Falls, The Grudge, n Pulse—all were scary but I loved them!! Scary Movies are the best!
**Titanic—cant believe it really happened!
**Double Jeopardy—movies that are suspenseful r kewl too!
Those are only a few of the best ones out there! But I like LOTS more!!


Create Your Own!ETHAN, ME, N THOMAS!!


Books Like too read A LOT! But can only think of a few books that Truly are my FAVORITE!
**The Notebook
**A walk to remember
** Bud not Buddy
**First things last
**Cradle and all
**The Guardian
My favorite author is Nicolas Sparks


This guy RIGHT HERE is one of the best things that has happened to my life in a long time! We got together on Febuary,6th. 2007 and have been together ever since! He makes me so happy:)! The way that he looks into my eyes gives me butterflies within my stomache and causes my heart to skip a beat while the very breathe catches within the pit of my chest. The simpleness of our encounters helps our relationship to run smoothly and that is so great to me. No matter what, i know that even if a fight comes along, it can only make us stronger! When he holds me within the folds of his arms, i feel the support and comfort that i seek. i am then engulfed with the knowledge that we can get through whatever we work at, and that with a little effort, we can get the best out of this relationship.I'm trying not to think too far into the future, due to the fact that i dont wanna get my hopes up to high. its not that i think he will let me down, i just dont want to get the hopes up too high for the both of us cause then that can lead to heartache. one thing that i bet will never come from this relationship."aaron, i just wanted to thank you for everything! for putting up with all the times that i ever overreacted about things, or ever hurt you by not putting you ahead of everything. I am grateful that you see so much within me, and that you feel that i am worth so much. the way that you make me feel with just one-look, touch, or smile- is the most incredible feeling in the world! acceptance and love, which are two of the most important and precious feelings in the world, are only two of the many feelings that i gain from you. you mean so much to me aaron!!:)"love, a simple four letter word, not a promise or a guarantee, but a chance that is taken, with the hope that it will all work out for the better. and thats a chance that i am willing to take for him. i love you aaron!