About Me
I'm a 25 year old mother/ Information technology/Network administration student. I started out in Music education, for 2 years, but it wasn't fulfilling enough, so i swtiched to computers.
I still love music just as much and hope to one day put aside all other things and focus on singing, but it's not practical right now. I lost a lot of weight with running and eating right, so for the last 2 years I've been trying to stay super athletic, which includes lifting weights and running at least 4 or more times a week- this last week i kicked it up to 7 times a week, I'm starting to train for the LA Marathon.
I have a 5 year old daughter, Angela, who is absoutely adorable--and onry she's my entire reason for existing :) She just started kindergarten, and I told her "you can't grow up and leave me", she replied "Momma! You know I don't know how to drive!" She says the MOST off the wall things you could imagine.
I just got a promotion at work, so I'm finally doing what I went to school to do- or at least the beginnings of it. I'm in network security right now, so if I keep biding my time I will eventually hone my skills enough to become a network engineer....if that's still what i want to do in 5 years...ha!
I also play saxophone and piano, and a little cello.
i'm also interested in German took 4 years of it, so Wenn du Deutsch sprichst, schreib mich bitte!
My Blog
Sleep is overrated- Marathon Training is where its at!
After extensively analyzing my will to conquer my sleep demons and run the 5 miles for tonight instead i've come to the Run conclusion! Woohoo....I outlasted myself and won.*update*: Holy freakin crap...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:37:00 GMT
L.A. M@rathon Training
Readyyyy.....Set.......GO! So I've been slacking in running this year. It's time to turn up the heat! I just got done with my 2nd run today (a mere 3.5 miles) but I AM PUMPED. You want something...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 06:07:00 GMT
Yammering about weight loss...
Most of you that know me know that i have taken to running lately. I run 2.5 miles before school and 2.5 after....so far out of the 6 weeks i've been doing this i've lost 16.5 pounds. WHOOOO!The grea...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 20:18:00 GMT
New delicious breakfast recipe- Yum. :)
ok for any of you that actually read my blogs, you probably know i like to eat, lol. Well i got this freakin awesome new cookbook, maybe you've heard of it? the biggest loser cookbook. I also got the ...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 23:36:00 GMT
jiu-jitsu class!
In my other blog i said i was tinkering with idea of joining a martial arts class.well i did it! i joined the mixed martial arts class at des moines mixed martial arts.I've only attended two of the ji...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 06:50:00 GMT
i am completely in love with the UFC!
i don't really have much to add to that, other than the fact that MMA rocks, and well, the ufc beats every sport there is out there :D
scratch that- i do have something to add- i can't wait to see ra...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 22:33:00 GMT
How to make THE best (& healthiest) milkshake EVAR!!!
Do you really want to know the secret? Not just anyone can know.....You must keep it secret, keep it safe.....I'm trusting you.ok-enough suspense, here's the secret:10 or more frozen (dole) strawberri...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 11:37:00 GMT
Why is everyone on myspace so slutty?
Just, why? Whatever happened to winning someone with personality?
Posted by on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 22:32:00 GMT