RPF!! profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

We are Razzle, Phoenix, and Fidget, three she-geeks embarking on a glorious quest--to write a webcomic. "Hirathien" is the surname of the protagonist of a novel that I (Fidget) have been writing, and it was our original intention to turn it into a comic. Now, however, Hirathien has morphed into something different, entirely. ;-)
Razzle: Razzle is the driving force behind Hirathien. She is our webmistress, taskmistress...mistress in general. Basically, she owns our souls. Without her, there is no comic (no joke).

Phoenix: This is Ze Artist. Hers are the graceful hands behind every facial expression, every movement of this piece. She is essentially our slave laborer, as her job takes the longest. ;-) (First episode took 14 hours to draw and color...)
Fidget: She is the writer, the procrastinator, and the one who gets beaten up by Razzle 90% of the time. She deserves it 95% of the time.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

You! Yes, you! All of you! We love you!

My Blog

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