About Me
Neptune, California. Where it all starts. Veronica Mars, was an O'9er. Until her best friend, Lilly Kane, was murdered and her father, Keith Mars, was fired from being the Neptune Sheriff and was replaced with Don Lamb, a sheriff only some would like. On the night of September 4th, 2002, Lilly Kane was murdered. Everyone thought that it was, Abel Koontz, who's daughter Amelia Dilongpre soon died, a year later. One night, after Veronica had been hated because of her father, she went to a party at Shelly Pomroy's house. She was drugged, or more likely, spit into her cup of alchohol by Madison Sinclair, which was a girl who was suppossed to be one of her best friends, Mac[they had been switched parents at age of one week]. Veronica was layed on a bed in the guest room. Dick Casablancas pushed in Duncan Kane and Cassidy Casablancas. Veronica was raped. Later on, Duncan Kane confessed that he and Veroinca had sex that night. She didn't remember though. One day later, Logan Echolls[Veronica's boyfriend at the time, Lilly Kane's former boyfriend] was blamed for killing Lilly. But one night at a party at Duncan Kane's house. Veronica went into Lilly's vent in her room and found two tapes. Including all the information about what happened. Veronica stared at the tapes as Aaron Echolls and Lilly Kane began to have, sex. "I know what happened", she told Duncan while they were both upstairs watching the tapes. Lilly went into Aaron Echolls guest room one day and ended up finding the tapes behind a sliding cabinet, she brought them to her house and Aaron went to Lilly, in the backyard where the pool was. Lilly wouldn't give the tapes back to Aaron and he smashed her head with a glass ash tray, that's how Lilly Kane died....Veronica was driving to her house to tell her dad when she found Aaron in her back seat. He trapped her in the trunk of the car, crashed the car, and got arrested. He began to be on trial, for killing Lilly Kane