I love basketball and chillin with friends. I like listening to music, watchin movies, playin ball, workin out, playin video games, shoppin for clothes, and doin whatever sounds fun at the time. I'm always up for a challenge in basketball, so you think u can take me? I recently played in an exhibition basketball game with the Harlem Globetrotters (yes with them, as I was on the team), hey doesn't matter if I was the only white guy, I had to stand out somehow. lol. Also I recently did my first stand up routine in Portland and it was sooo much fun and I think that I will do it again in the future.....Well that's enough for now.
Shaquille O'Neal, Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy, Jessica Simpson (she's hot), and Hugh Hefner....what a stud!
Hey as long as it's not country or polka, or some bullshit that would drive me nuts, like the bagpipes (I hate bagpipes!!!!) then I listen to it. I mostly listen to hip hop and r&b, but I listen to a wide variety of music.
Too many to list.....I'm a movie buff and all my friends know that I can pretty much quote movies line for line. But to narrow it down....I love comedies. I enjoy having a good laugh.
I love the Family Guy. Watch it every night at 11 on cartoon network and every Sunday at 9. Great show. I watch sportscenter, PTI, Around the Horn, and during football season and basketball season I'm pretty much glued to the tv. Go Ducks!
I mostly just read magazines...Sports Illustrated, Playboy (I swear it's for the articles), Maxim, and Cosmo is a good one. Hey no shame in my game...you can learn some good shit in there.