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Flavor of LA.com

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Flavor of Los Angeles is an innovative web site that specializes in publicizing upcoming events in the greater Los Angeles area. Flavor of Los Angeles is a portal that allows users to access and post photographs of past events online. Established in June of 2007, Flavor of Los Angeles is your access point to the hottest venues in Hollywood, via its unparallel database of the most exclusive events that Los Angeles has to offer. Some of the past events that were covered by Flavor of Los Angeles include star-studded events hosted by Dream Team Entertainment as well as King Of Things Entertainment. In addition to event coverage, Flavor of Los Angeles offers photographs of past events, photographs of up in coming models, and hot new music release dates.id like to meet: If you are interested in modeling, promoter, or are a recording artist, etc., please contact me at flavorofla.comView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment