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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello :~)My name is Debbie and I am so pleased you dropped in. About me, hummmm, well first I am a child of God, then the wife of Steve Pickens, the mother of Michael and Kimberly Pickens, the wonderful mother in law of Tammy Pickens and the Mimi of John Michael Pickens. I retired from the legal field and now work from home when I wish. I enjoy creating so one of my small jobs is creating Web Pages. I love Web Design in general so why not! You can find me at I love life, people and general everyday happenings. If you really look you will find that everyday life with everyday people will crack you up. There is humor out there, you just have to be ready. May God bless you and enjoy your visit. Y'all come back now! This layout was handmade with love by the folks at Go get one!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I take pleasure in people who take the time to stop and think. Why? Where? Why Not? What? Who? I think you can learn so much by a conglomeration of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and most of all laughter. I do not think we should take ourselves too seriously, it is just a thought!!!!

My Blog

Deb's Thoughts on, "The Secret".

                  I'm sure by now everyone has seen or heard this advertisement on a new book and  DVD called, "The Secr...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 14:04:00 GMT

I Have a Dream

I see rows and rows of trees with yellow ribbons and bows.  I see house after house with the American Flag dancing in the wind.   I see every person thankful and as one, no matter our s...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:02:00 GMT