Music, coaching the drumline and band, hanging with friends and just living life to its fullest cause i wont let nothin hold me back. If you wanna know more read my about me or just write me.
Someone who like me for me and just wants to have fun and hang, or chill with me, and i have lots of people who love doing that, oh and that likes taking goofy pictures cause that is one thing i do best. cause its good to just be a kid now and then it keeps you young
Anything and everything.
Like the music anything but mainly i like gorry horror movies,.
Eh lots of stuff mythbusters of course family guy, uhhhh spike t.v. like c.s.i. and ufc, stuff like those.
Horror books stephen king, ted dekker, uhhh lord of the rings, harry potter, tom clancy, Cormac Mcarthy
My friends and Family... i love you guys, especially those of you who have and are helping me through my problems and the ones that make me smile.