I'd like to meet:
This is who I want to meet
This is wear I spend my time swinging a big chain in circles.
This is who you should like to meet.
My cat LYANO!
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I like good music it doesnt really have to fit in to one catagory. Anything from Weezer to snoop to classical. It just has to be music that you feel, instead of hear.
Were do you start, how about Ghost Busters the funniest movie in history. The Big Labowski, American Beauty, Indiana Jones, Boondock Saints. Movies I dont like is easier. Anything with Jim Carry. And a tie for worst movies of all time are Napolean Dinamite and Shallow Hal.
I recently have gotten into the shows weeds and californication "its x files meets softcore" discovery chanel has the best all around shows. And most of my tv time is SPORTS!
Dean Koontz and Harry Potter.
My Dad, sounds cheesey but the dude is a F'n Bad Ass.
This is what im like if you piss me off!
And this is the symbol for my pet cat Lyano Its such a beautiful city of crazy people
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