I enjoy a good fire rainbow, delicate and poised high above our Lord's Mighty Creation. I also like backgammon (the board game that mopst closely resembles the Jedi code), I enjoy a good mackeral. Don't get me started on my appreciation for fine German cutlery!
Mister Robert Goulet, Mister Richard Cheney, an eighteen year old Asian concubine(I'm just kidding on that last account---my Bunny would spork me in the nads if that were actually true.) I luv you Bunny. (that's not her real name).
Mister Robert Goulet.Nuff said.I also think Tony Danza is quite underrated. See his nightclub act!! It's a must!
Oceans Eleven, (although Oceans Twelve was poor as it relied too heavily on star power and not on a cohesive plot), Penn & Teller get Killed, Chairman of the Board, The Grafenberg Spot -- volume six, Godfather parts 1 and 3.
I rarely watch the idiot box unless I am in London where I summer. I like Mister Bean. He is a crazy limey, that's for sure. I met him once and he was kind of rude. I think he was intimidated by me.
I prefer magazines to books as they dampen my intellect with more current information. Cigar Afficianado and Maxim are primo works of scribble. I'm currently reading a book about Dean Martin but I can't remember where I last left it. Perhaps at the country club.
John Wayne, Lawrence of Arabia, Pete Rose, my Uncle Mitch, Joan of Arc.