THE DRUG PLASTICS profile picture



About Me

the drug plastics is a secret society of various royal blooded figureheads that keep secrets from mass consumption and recreate the rituals and musica of the forementioned. one is either born drugplastic or consumed by drugplastica and its hidden associates. many books have been written about the plastic society. its intense truth and the answers unattainable. we know all and will have you if we feel your fit. keep drug plastic.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/9/2006
Band Website: thats a secret.
Band Members: saint daniel plastic, saint christ drug, saint bryan help, saint mike fox, saint john crack, saint mateoleo, various cantors and eulogists.
Influences: their are no influences. we are the trendsetters. we are the future. we are a million miles ahead of you.
Sounds Like: eternity. crickets consuming the night. wayward flatulence. the bible with music to it. jesus singing to his apostles. pigeons scattering for a discarded mcdonalds cheeseburger. casio beatbox. a nun quietly givin the old man in the boat a rockin. the burst of a beercan opening. any micheal mcdonnel song. niel diamond on a bender. cc deville on a wild coke binge.
Record Label: i am not in the position to reveal that info
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

the beats

when yer done with yer beats and or rhythms. send em  [email protected]. im gonna set up a page or someone can make a page where we can post all points of this project. only accessib...
Posted by THE DRUG PLASTICS on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 03:47:00 PST

step one song one

ok. it starts now. make a beat at 122 bpm (or 61 or 244). it can be anything. no need for craziness. simpler the better to make it easy the first time around. once we get enough parts for a song we wi...
Posted by THE DRUG PLASTICS on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 05:12:00 PST