kelllie. profile picture


About Me

"The prettiest looks are the simplest, like you rushed out and are naturally stunning."

i'm kellliee, no one will ever no the real me. i'm actually really nice when you get to know me. just dont waste my time. im gonna make a difference someday. if i'm in the mood to sing i'll sing. i'm so done with stupid drama. talk about me all you want i honeslty can say i dont care anymore. i wish i knew what i wanted in life , but honestly i dont no. lifes way to short to live with regrets. people shouldnt live there life unknown. i enjoy the simplest things. i wish i could just get up and leave. i want to live somewhere where all you see is grass. no one could ever bring me down. i have a hard time opening up to people. so you'll probably always see me happy. i dont need people to help me through things.

My Interests

naps. my ipod. env. texting. fireisland. summer. boat. friends. family. smoothies. redbull. flip flops. cute heels. my wubbie. city. camera. having fun.


Maybe I am much more you never know what lies ahead I promise I can be anyone, I can be anything Just because you were hurt doesn't mean you shouldn't bleed I can be anyone, anything, I promise I can be what you need


My best friend :]

my little man<333 my biffs.